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dc.contributor.advisorLekue Gallano, José Antonio ORCID
dc.contributor.authorPetrirena Insausti, Ane
dc.contributor.otherF. MEDICINA Y ODONTOLOGIA
dc.description.abstractSarrera: Lesioak arazo larria dira futbol profesionalean eta eragin negatiboa du taldearen errendimenduan. Iskiosuraletako lesioak dira lesio muskular ohikoenetakoak eta honengatik, arrisku faktoreen kontrola izateko lokomozio aparatuaren balorazio funtzional bat burutzea garrantzitsua da. Helburuak: Ikerketa honen helburua Athletic Club-en aurredenboraldian egiten diren eta iskiosuralekin erlazionatuta dauden test funtzionalen balore normatiboak zehaztea da; beti ere, balore hauek futbol profesionalera zuzenduta daudelarik. Honetaz gain, test hauen fidagarritasuna, esanguratsua den aldaketa minimoa eta errore tipikoa kalkulatu dira. Azkenik, jokalari bakoitzak lortutako balorearen arabera, balore horrek iskiosuralen lesio arriskuarekin duen erlazioa zehaztea ere badu helburutzat. Metodologia: Athletic Clubeko lehenengo taldeko eta harrobiko jokalariei, 2014/2015 – 2018/1019 denboraldi bitarteko jarraipena egin zitzaien. Aurredenboraldi bakoitzean Thomas Test Modifikatua (TTM), Passive Straight Leg Raise (PSLR) eta belauneko 15º-ko flexioan iskiosuralen indarraren neurketa egin zitzaizkien. Honetaz gain, 2015/2016 denboraldian test-retest saiakerak burutu ziren aipatutako testen fidagarritasuna kalkulatzeko. Emaitzak: TTM (ICC = 0.62) eta PSLR (ICC = 0.70) testen fidagarritasuna moderatua dela ikusi zen. Aldakaren estentsioari dagokionez, hanka baten eta bestearen arteko diferentzia handiagoa zutenak gutxiago lesionatu ziren (odds ratio = 0.44 ; p = 0.02), baina aldakaren flexioari erreparatuz gero, aldiz, ez zen emaitza esanguratsurik ikusi. Bestalde, iskiosuraletako indar gehien zuten hankek lesio gehiago izan zituzten (odds ratio = 3.85; p = <0.01), eta hanka hori bestea baino ahulago izatea lesio arriskuarekin erlazionatzen da (odds ratio = 2.36; p = 0.02). Ondorioak: Ikerketa honetako aurkikuntzek test hauen fidagarritasuna zehazteaz gain, jokalariak iskiosuraletako lesio arriskuaren arabera sailkatzeko eta prebentzio programa indibidualizatuak egokitzeko baliagarriak izan dira.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] Introduction : Injuries pose a serious issue in professional football, and have a negative effect on team performance. Hamstring injury is one of the most common muscular injury in football and that ́s why functional assessment of the locomotor apparatus seems important in order to monitor the risk factors. Objetives: The aim of this study was to specify the normative values of the hamstring-related functional tests that Athletic Club carries out every preseason. Another objective wasto calculate the reliability, the smallest worthwhile change and the typical error of each test.Finally, the link between the values obtained by the players in each test and the risk of hamstring injury was investigated. Methodology: Players from Athletic Club ́s first team squad and the Athletic Club youth academy were monitored over the course of five seasons (2014/2015 -2018/2019). Before the beginning of each season, they were subjected to a Modified Thomas Test(MTT) and a Passive Straight Leg RaiseTest(PSLR). Along with this, their hamstring strength was measured with a 15º knee flexion. Additionally, test-retest experiments were carried out during the 2015-2016 season to calculate the reliabilityof the test. Results:The reliability of MTT (ICC = 0.62) and PSLR (ICC = 0.70)was moderate. Regarding hip extension, those who had a bigger difference between legs were less prone to injuries(odds ratio=0.44; p=0.02). However, no conclusive results could be drawn for hip flexion. Moreover, those who had higher hamstring strength suffered more injuries(odds ratio = 3.85; p = <0.01) , and a weaker leg compared to the other leg also had a higher risk of injury(odds ratio = 2.36; p = 0.02). Conclusion:The findings of this research have not only determined the reliability of these tests, but also might be useful to classify the players according to the risk of injury and make individualized preventive programs
dc.subjectiskiosuralen lesioakes_ES
dc.subjectThomas Test Modifikatua
dc.subjectbalore normatiboak
dc.subjectvalores normativos
dc.titleLokomozio aparatuaren test funtzionalen eta iskiosuraletako lesioen arteko asoziazio ikerketa goi-mailako futbolarietanes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2019, Ane Petrirena Insausti

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