Nominal participles, a case of categorial alternance: eventive nominalizations in-"da"
Aysa Mondoñedo, C.
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Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 39(2) : 161-174 (2005)
The purpose of this paper is to present a first approximation to the description of the formation and behavior of a type of deverbal noun in Spanish, formed as of the suffixation of a morpheme -da (feminine '-ed') to a verbal base, which is very productive in Spanish. As it will be shown, the suffixation of this morpheme gives rise to eventive and resultative nominalizations as well as object nouns. Here, I focus on the first case and I assume that this kind of nominalization is a subset of deverbal nouns in -do ('-ed'), given that both types share morphological, semantic and syntactic properties.