dc.description.abstract | Hemen 2009an argia ikusi zuen Izen Ttipiak Euskaraz liburuan bildutako hipokoristikoen gainean mintzo gara. Sarreraren ondotik, aurrena orain arte ezagutzen genituen izen ttipiak berresten saiatzen gara, haien denbora-iraupena eta hedadura hobeki zehazten, hona lekuko gehiago ekarriz, aipatu liburuan erraten zirenak baieztatu nahian. Hau da, izan ere, gure artikuluaren funtsa eta mamia. Gero, bigarren puntuan, zuzentzekoetan, 2009ko obran oker zegoen izen ttipi batez mintzo gara, laburki, eta ondoren hipokoristiko pare batek beste interpretazio bat ez ote dezakeen izan iradokitzen dugu, liburuan emandakoaz gainera. Bukatzeko, ondorioak ateratzen ditugu, besteak beste zenbait hipokoristikok guneka agertzeko joera dutela diogu, eta izen konposatuetan ere ager daitezkeela, denbora batetik aitzina.; Here we discuss the hypocoristics gathered in the book Izen Ttipiak Euskaraz, which came to light in 2009. Following the introduction we first attempt to endorse those short names of endearment that were known to us so far, as well as to further specify their time depth and scope, by providing additional attestations in an attempt to confirm claims made in the abovementioned book. This is, in fact, the basis and core of our article. Later on in the second point, which concerns corrections, we briefly touch upon an incorrect short name of endearment from the 2009 book and then move on to propose additional interpretations, along with those provided in the book, of two more hypocoristics. Finally, we draw conclusions, we make the claim that certain hypocoristics tend to come about in specific areas, among other things, and that from a point on they can also appear in compound names. | |