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dc.contributor.advisorCepeda Ruiz, Javier
dc.contributor.advisorSan Sebastián Larzabal, Eider ORCID
dc.contributor.authorRazquin Bobillo, Laura
dc.contributor.otherF. CIENCIAS QUIMICAS
dc.contributor.otherKIMIKA ZIENTZIEN F.
dc.description.abstractLABURPENA (euskaraz) Lan honek azido 2-hidoxilo-6-metil-nikotiniko ligandoz eta lehenengo trantsizio-serieko metalez osatutako koordinazio-konposatu berrien sintesia eta karakterizazioa du helburu nagusitzat. Konposatuak sintetizatu ondoren, bere karakterizazioa teknika esperimental desberdinak erabiliz egin da: analisi elementala (AE), infragorri espektroskopia (FT-IR) eta X-izpien bidezko difrakzioa hautsean (PXRD), laginen purutasuna determinatzeko. Monokristala lortu egin deneko kasuetan, haren kristal egitura ebatzi da X-izpien bidezko difrakzioaren (SCXRD) bitartez. Ezaugarri lumineszenteak dituen Zn(II)-z eta Na(I)-z osatutako konposatu bat lortu da, igorpen fluoreszente eta fosforeszenteak erakusten dituena. Konposatu honen lumineszentzia prozesuan sakontzeko asmoz, kalkulu teorikoak egin dira bertan ematen diren elektroi-trantsizioak esleitzeko asmoz. Konposatu horiek interes handia dute gailu argitsuetan edota sentsoreetan aplikatuak izateko dituzten aukerengatik. Bestalde, potentzialki ezaugarri magnetikoak dituzten konposatuak ere lortu dira. Lortutako konposatuen artean, Mn(III)-z eratutako konposatu bat lortu da, printzipioz ezaugarri magnetiko interesgarriak erakutsi ditzakeenak, zehazki iman molekular gisa jokatzeko gaitasuna izan baitezake. Horrelako materialak, gaur egun, aplikazio askotan erabiltzeko aukera ematen dute, material magnetiko berrietarako oinarri gisa erabiliz, adibidez, datuak biltegiratzeko.es_ES
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT (english): The main goal of the present work consists in the synthesis and characterization of new coordination compunds starting based on 2-hydroxy-6-methylnicotinic acid and different first-row transition metals. Once synthesized, these compounds have been characterized by means of several experimental techniques: elemental analysis (AE), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) in order to determine the purity of the samples. Additionally, crystal structures have been solved for those compounds obtained as single crystals by means of X-ray diffraction (SCXRD). One of the reported compounds, a Zn(II) and Na based compound, shows fluorescent and phosphorescent emissions. In order to get deeper insigths into the luminescence process, theoretical calculations have been performed to assign the electronic transitions. These compounds are of great interest due to their applicability in devices for solid-state lighting or sensors. On the other hand, many compounds with potential magnetic properties have been also obtained. Among them, it is worth noting one compound formed by Mn(III) atoms since it may a priori exhibit interesting magnetic properties, in particular behaving as single-molecule magnets. These sorts of compounds are known for their potential applications in different fields, being used as a basis for developing new magnetic materials with multiple aplications, such as data storage.es_ES
dc.titleEstekatzaile piridinikoetan eta trantsizio-metaletan oinarritutako koordinazio-konposatuen prestaketa: egitura-dibertsitate zabalaren analisia ezaugarri magnetiko eta lumineszenteei begira
dc.rights.holder© 2020, la autora
dc.contributor.degreeGrado en Químicaes_ES
dc.contributor.degreeKimikako Gradua

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