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dc.contributor.advisorLizarraga Gómez, Iraitz ORCID
dc.contributor.authorLopez de Abetxuko Ruiz, Haizea
dc.contributor.otherE.U. MAGISTERIO -VITORIA-GASTEIZ
dc.contributor.otherGASTEIZKO IRAKASLEEN U.E.
dc.description53 p. : il. -- Bibliogr.: p. 45-49
dc.description.abstract[EUS] Gaur egun, nagusiki sedentarioa den gizarte batean bizi gara non jarduera fisiko eza munduko hilkortasun tasaren arrisku faktore garrantzitsuenetako bat den. Hori horrela izanik, lan honetan Gernika-Lumoko Allende Salazar ikastetxeko eta Seber Altube ikastolako Eskola Kiroleko zenbait monitorek baliabide aberasgarri honen ekarpenez eta arriskuez kontziente diren ikertzen da, bi ikastetxe hauetako Eskola Kirol ereduaren ideia orokor bat eskuratuz. Ikerketa metodologia kuantitatiboan kokatzen da, zeinetan galdera-itxietan oinarritutako galdetegiak erabili diren datuak biltzeko tresna gisa. Emaitzei dagokienez, monitore gehienen (%63) helburua hezitzailea dela jaso da eta aztertutako zenbait aldagaiei dagokienez, hala nola, saioetan gailentzen diren aspektuei edota erabilitako metodologiari dagokienez, hezkuntzarekin edota kirolarekin zerikusia duen formakuntza jaso duten pertsonen eskuhartzea egokiagoa dela ikusi da. Horretaz gain, monitoreak ados edota erabat ados daude Eskola Kirolak eskaintzen dituen onurekin, hala nola, garapen integralean eragiten duelarekin, balioak transmititzeko bide delarekin, euskara sustatzeko baliabide aproposa delarekin… Eskola Kirolean aurki daitezkeen arriskuei dagokienez, monitoreak hauetaz oso kontziente ez direla esan daiteke, hauekin erlazionatutako itemetan askotariko erantzunak jaso baitira. Ildo horretatik, Eskola Kirol eredu tradizionaletik (errendimendura bideratutakotik, emaitza prozesuari lehenesten zaionetik, garaipena lortzeko jarrera oldarkor eta bortitzak sortzen dituenetik, selektiboa denetik…) urrundu eta parte-hartzaileen formakuntza integrala bilatzera bideratutako eredu alternatibo batera hurbiltzeko proposamenak biltzen dira.
dc.description.abstract[EN] Today, we live in a mostly sedentary society where lack of physical activity is one of the most important risk factors for the global mortality rate. Thus, this work investigates if several monitors of the School Sport of the schools Allende Salazar and Seber Altube of GernikaLumo are conscious of the contributions and risks of this enriching resource, acquiring a general idea of the model of School Sport of these two centers. The research is part of a quantitative methodology in which questionnaires based on closed-ended questions have been used as a data collection tool. As for the results, it was found that the objective of most of the monitors (63%) is educational and that in some of the variables analyzed, such as the aspects that prevail in the sessions or the methodology used, it was found that the intervention of people who have received training related to education and/or sport is more appropriate. Furthermore, the monitors agree or totally agree with the benefits offered by the School Sport, such as the integral development, the transmission of values, the promotion of the Basque language... As for the risks that can be found in School Sport, it can be said that the monitors are not very aware of them, since in the items related to them very varied answers have been collected. In this sense, there are proposals to move away from the traditional model of School Sport (performance-oriented, which prioritizes the result to the process, which generates aggressive and violent attitudes towards victory, which is selective ...) and to approach an alternative model aimed at seeking the comprehensive training of participants.
dc.subjecteskola kirola
dc.subjecteskola kirolaren ekarpenak
dc.subjecteskola kirolaren arriskuak
dc.subjecteskola kiroleko monitoreak
dc.subjectschool sport
dc.subjectschool sport contributions
dc.subjectschool sport risks
dc.subjectschool sport monitors
dc.titleKirolean hezi eta ez kirolerakoes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2021, la autora
dc.contributor.degreeGrado en Educación Primaria
dc.contributor.degreeLehen Hezkuntzako Gradua

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