Nagorno Karabaj: betierekotasunera kondenaturiko gatazka?
Ikusi/ Ireki
Sagarduy González, Danel
[EUS] Lan honetan mendebaldeko gizarteak nahiko ahaztua duen eta bere inguruko ezjakintasuna duen Kaukasoko eremuaren errealitate geopolitikoaren azterketa bat egin da Armenia eta Azerbaijan barne biltzen dituen Nagorno Karabajeko gatazkan zentratuz. Gaur egungo egoera bere osotasunean ulertzeko baina, gatazka honen jatorri historikoaren azterketa bat egiten da zonalde honetako lehen populatzaileetatik SESBen disoluzioraino luzatzen dena, honen ondoren gaur egungo gatazkan zentratzeko. Honen baitan, izan dituen hiru inflexio puntu nagusien azalpen bat ematen da, azkenengoaren ondoren gaur egungo egoeraren analisi bat egiteko. Horretaz gain baina, gatazka modernoa hasi zenetik gaur egun arte bake prozesu bat lortzeko eta gaur egun arlo honetan indar gehien duten aktore nagusien azterketa bat egingo da, azkenik zonalde honetan interesak dituzten potentzia nagusien jarrera eta interesak zeintzuk diren azalduz. [EN] This study intends to shed light onto the often forgotten and very little
acknowledged geopolitical reality of the Caucasus region, where special importance
will be given to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict among Armenia and Azerbaijan. In
order to understand the current events in its whole context, it is important to study the
historical origins, from the first inhabitants in this area until the dissolution of the
USSR, pointing out the key events that have shaped the ongoing conflict. The following
research includes the explanation of the three main inflection points that have taken
place as a means to an analysis of today’s reality. Furthermore, the various peace
process attempts as well as the main actors who have been involved in them will be
analysed, finally concluding with a mention of the main implicated powers and their
interests in these territories.