Now showing items 9-12 of 149

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      An austerity-driven energy reform 

      Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2013-12)
      In July 2013, the government approved a major overhaul of the Spanish electricity sector to correct existing imbalances that have led to an exponential increase of regulated electricity costs and a huge tariff deficit. The ...
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      Income Taxation and Growth in an OLG Economy: Does Aggregate Uncertainty Play any Role? 

      Echevarría Olave, Cruz Ángel ORCID; Iza Padilla, María Amaya ORCID (2013-12-18)
      We analyze the effects of capital income taxation on long-run growth in a stochastic, two-period overlapping generations economy. Endogenous growth is driven by a positive externality of physical capital in the production ...
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      Strategic Votes and Sincere Counterfactuals 

      Artabe Echevarria, Alaitz ORCID; Gardeazabal, Javier ORCID (2013-11-07)
      The Random Utility Model (RUM) of voting behavior can account for strategic voting by making use of proxy indicators that measure voter incentives to vote strategically. The contribution of this paper is to propose a new ...
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      A Note on Risk Acceptance, Bankruptcy Avoidance and Riskiness Measures 

      Chamorro Elosua, Arritokieta; Usategui Díaz de Otalora, José María ORCID (2013-09-30)
      In this work we clarify the relationships between riskiness, risk acceptance and bankruptcy avoidance. We distinguish between the restriction on the current wealth required to make a gamble acceptable to the decision maker ...