Now showing items 13-16 of 149

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      Economic Effects of Global Warming under Stock Growth Uncertainty: The European Sardine Fishery 

      Da Rocha, José María; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José; Villasante, Sebastián (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2013)
      Global warming of the oceans is expected to alter the environmental conditions that determine the growth of a fishery resource. Most climate change studies are based on models and scenarios that focus on economic growth, ...
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      Democratic Values Transmission 

      Brañas Garza, Pablo; Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID; Giritligil, Ayca E. (2013-01)
      This study addresses the issue of intergenerational transmission of democratic values embedded in social choice rules. We focus on a few rules which have been the focus of social choice theory: plurality, plurality with a ...
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      Understanding Tariff Deficit and its Challenges 

      Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2013-01)
      Regulators and market participants have become increasingly concerned about the Spanish electricity tariff deficit due to its size and the difficulties to control its growth. The deficit can be traced to inefficiencies in ...
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      Optimal overall emissions taxation in durable goods oligopoly 

      Sagasta Elorza, Amagoia ORCID; Usategui Díaz de Otalora, José María ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012)
      We analyze optimal second-best emission taxes in a durable good industry under imperfect competition. The analysis is performed for three different types of emissions and for situations where the good is rented, sold or ...