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dc.contributor.advisorCabanes Axpe, Itziar ORCID
dc.contributor.advisorMancisidor Barinagarrementeria, Aitziber ORCID
dc.contributor.authorVermander García, Patrick ORCID
dc.descriptionTesis completa 402 p.;; tesis censurada 350 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractDue to the progressive aging of the population, as well as various conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or muscular dystrophy among others, the number of people using a wheelchair for mobility has increased. The sedentary behavior typical of this population leads to associated physical problems. In order to provide appropriate treatment for wheelchair users and improve their quality of life, it is essential to conduct a proper postural diagnosis. To date, postural monitoring and diagnosis, which provide relevant postural information, have been carried out through subjective questionnaires that do not allow for continuous patient monitoring. Throughout this thesis, this issue has been addressed by developing an intelligent postural diagnosis system from a patient-oriented approach throughout all stages of design and implementation. As the first phase of this diagnostic system, the i-KuXin postural monitoring device has been developed in this work, enabling the collection of relevant postural indicators. This device provides a portable, non-intrusive and cost-effective solution, adaptable to different types of chairs, allowing for the continuous and low-cost collection of postural data of interest. i-KuXin consists of three main modules. For the design of the first measurement module, collaboration with expert physiotherapists has been sought to identify relevant points for measuring user-applied force. Sensors, discreetly placed, have been positioned at these points, utilizing FSR sensors. The data acquisition module enables real-time reading of the sensors, with a battery life exceeding one day. Data is wirelessly transmitted to user interfaces designed for both mobile devices and computers, facilitating data capture and analysis by healthcare specialists. Validation has confirmed the accuracy, usability, and suitability of the device for monitoring sitting postures in individuals with reduced mobility.es_ES
dc.subjectcomputer technologyes_ES
dc.subjectinstrumentation technologyes_ES
dc.subjectmedical technologyes_ES
dc.titleIntelligent Sitting Postural Diagnosis System for People with Low Mobilityes_ES
dc.title.alternativeMugikortasun arazoak dituzten pertsonek jesarrita daudenean duten jarrera diagnostikatzeko sistema adimendunakes_ES
dc.rights.holder·(c) 2024 Patrick Vermander García
dc.departamentoesIngeniería de sistemas y automáticaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuSistemen ingeniaritza eta automatikaes_ES

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