Examinar Comunicaciones por departamento (eus.) "Filosofia"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
A Comparative study on the onto-epistemological presuppositions in landscape descriptions of romantics and naturalists
(2015-05-11)Two facts are noteworthy in standard historiography on the perception and description of nature: (a) Apart from occasional exceptions (Hard 1970), there is no conceptual analysis of the onto-epistemological presuppositions ... -
Charles Darwin y la Descripción de la Naturaleza
(2015-05-11)Se detectan dos formas diferentes de descripción en la obra de Darwin Journal of Researches (1839): una forma estética de percibir el paisaje y una forma enumerativa. Aquélla correspondería a los comentarios que Darwin ... -
Romanticism, Alexander von Humboldt and the distinction of “Natur” and “Geist”
(2017-02-28)Alexander von Humboldt is often considered a decisive figure in establishing clear methodological standards in modern natural sciences. But many people forget that he was a true Romanticist in his descriptions of nature ...