Now showing items 24025-24044 of 39764

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      Literatura infantil y juvenil: cuentos de hoy, estereotipos de siempre 

      Antón Vázquez, Iratxe (2017-01-09)
      [ES] La Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, como agente de socialización de primer orden, reproduce las pautas culturales, costumbres, comportamientos y estereotipos presentes en todas las sociedades. A partir de la crítica ...
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      La literatura latina de viajes de peregrinación a Tierra Santa con especial referencia al caso de Hispania 

      Valcárcel Martínez, Vitalino (Ediciones Clásicas (Madrid), 2006)
      [ES] Este trabajo tiene tres apartados. En el primero de ellos se versa sobre la literatura de viajes en general, su circunstancia histórica (en la Tardía Antigüedad y en la Edad Media) y la discusión acerca de su naturaleza ...
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      Literatura Unibertsala bildumaren bideak 

      Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren (IKER, 2013)
      Literatura Unibertsala literatur itzulpenen bildumak 20 urte baino gehiagoko ibilbidea egin duenez gero, interesgarria deritzogu itzulpen-bilduma horren harrerari erreparatzeari. Bada, artikulu honetan, bildumaren ...
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      Literatura Unibertsala bildumako hitzaurreen azterketa 

      Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren (Euskaltzaindia, 2014-09-30)
      Literatura Unibertsala itzulpen-bildumaren paratestuen azterketan, nabarmentzekoa da liburuek itzultzaileak idatzitako hitzaurrea dakartela. Lan honetan bildumaren lehen bi aroetako 152 hitzaurreak aztertu ditugu, Genetteren ...
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      Literatura, ciudad e imaginarios urbanos: el País Vasco y la literatura francesa 

      Verbeke, Frederik ORCID (2018)
      El presente trabajo analiza la evolución de la representación literaria del País Vasco, comparando la imagen que Pierre Loti construyó a finales del siglo XIX con la imagen del País Vasco que aparece en obras literarias ...
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      Literatura, memoria y política: la construcción del pasado en el Reino Medio egipcio 

      Salem, Leila (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2014)
      En el Reino Medio egipcio surgen los primeros textos literarios diferenciándose de otros tipos de relatos, como las autobiografías, los textos religiosos o las ensenanzas, porque sus narraciones se basan en la ficción. En ...
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      Literaturaren magia ikasgelan 

      Mintegi Lakarra, Laura María ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2001)
      El objetivo de este trabajo es ofrecer una nueva visión para trabajar la literatura en el aula. Presenta dos partes. En la primera se hace una exposición del aspecto más academicista de la Didáctica de la Literatura, basada ...
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      Literaturaren zertarakoa, itzulpenak eta hizkuntzaren auzia Orixerengan 

      Ruiz Arzalluz, Iñigo (Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial, Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo", 2009)
      [EN] Since a time that has to be placed approximately after the war, Orixe moved away from the opinion (common among the euskatzale groups of the time) that literature would be what would give the Basque language life and ...
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      Literature as a therapeutic instrument in the health-disease process in childhood 

      Babarro Vélez, Izaro ORCID; Lacalle Prieto, Jaione ORCID (Universidad de Murcia, 2018-04)
      Introduction: Everybody, throughout their life, must adapt to countless situations in which they are involved; that is why it is necessary to understand each of them in order to advance properly. It has been observed that ...
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      Literature Review of Integrated Impact Assessment Models of Climate Change with Emphasis on Damage Functions 

      Arigoni Ortiz, Ramon; Markandya, Anil (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2009-10-13)
      We review the literature on the impact assessment models currently used in the climate change debate. From among these we select some relevant models, highlight their important features and identify how climate change ...
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      Lithium and Palladium mediated cyclization reactions towards the stereocontrolled synthesis of (hetero)benzo-fused indolizidines 

      Rebolledo Azcargorta, Ane (2016-03-18)
      The research work described in this thesis is focused on the use of lithium and palladium mediated cyclization reactions for the stereocontrolled synthesis of (hetero)benzo-fused indolizidines through carbon-carbon bond ...
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      Lithium Borate Ionic Liquids as Single-Component Electrolytes for Batteries 

      Guzmán González, Gregorio; Álvarez Tirado, Marta; Olmedo Martínez, Jorge L.; Picchio, Matías L.; Casado Pérez, Nerea; Forsyth, Maria; Mecerreyes Molero, David (Wiley, 2023-01)
      Current electrolytes for lithium batteries are usually composed of at least two chemical compounds, an organic solvent such as a cyclic carbonate and a lithium salt such as LiPF6. Here, the concept of using a single-component ...
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      Lithium Iron Phosphate/Carbon (LFP/C) Composite Using Nanocellulose as a Reducing Agent and Carbon Source 

      Kroff, Macarena; Hevia, Samuel A.; O’Shea, James N.; Gil de Muro Zabala, Izaskun ORCID; Palomares Durán, Verónica ORCID; Rojo Aparicio, Teófilo ORCID; del Río, Rodrigo (MDPI, 2023-06-09)
      Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4, LFP) is the most promising cathode material for use in safe electric vehicles (EVs), due to its long cycle stability, low cost, and low toxicity, but it suffers from low conductivity and ...
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      Lithium levels and lifestyle in patients with bipolar disorder: a new tool for self-management 

      Zorrilla Martínez, Iñaki; López Zurbano, Saioa; Alberich, Susana ORCID; Barbero Martínez, Ismael; López Peña, María Purificación; García Corres, E.; Chart Pascual, Juan Pablo; Crespo, José Manuel; De Dios, C.; Balanzá Martínez, Vicent; González Pinto Arrillaga, Ana María ORCID (Springer, 2023-03)
      BACKGROUND: Patients should get actively involved in the management of their illness. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of lifestyle factors, including sleep, diet, and physical activity, on lithium levels ...
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      Lithium-ion battery remaining useful life prediction 

      Larrarte Lizarralde, Beñat (2022-12-23)
      Lithium-Ion Battery Remaining Useful Life Prediction work consists of an initial approach to battery life prediction using Severson dataset and data-driven LSTM-based RUL predictive methods. Although the memory is ...
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      Litio-ioizko baterien funtzionamendua eta "pouch cell" motako prototipoen fabrikazioa 

      Otaegui Ameztegui, Laida; Iturrondobeitia Ellacuria, Amaia ORCID; Villaverde, Aitor (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2017)
      Litio-ioizko baterien hedapena etengabea izan da azken urteetan gizartearen energia beharrizanak asetzeko. Modu orokor batean litio-ioizko deitzen zaien baterien artean hainbat sistema ezberdindu daitezke, osatzen duten ...
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      Litter Decomposition can be Reduced by Pesticide Effects on Detritivores and Decomposers: Implications for Tropical Stream Functioning 

      Cornejo, Aydeé; Pérez Viñuela, Javier ORCID; López Rojo, Naiara; García, Gabriela; Pérez, Edgar; Guerra, Alisson; Nieto, Carlos; Boyero González, María Luz ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-04-28)
      Understanding which factors affect the process of leaf litter decomposition is crucial if we are to predict changes in the functioning of stream ecosystems as a result of human activities. One major activity with known ...
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      Litter Quality Is a Stronger Driver than Temperature of Early Microbial Decomposition in Oligotrophic Streams: a Microcosm Study 

      Pérez Viñuela, Javier ORCID; Ferreira, Verónica; Graça, Manuel A. S.; Boyero González, María Luz ORCID (Springer, 2021-11)
      [EN]Litter decomposition is an ecological process of key importance for forest headwater stream functioning, with repercussions for the global carbon cycle. The process is directly and indirectly mediated by microbial ...
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      Liver metastases of intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma: implications for an updated staging system 

      Lamarca, Angela; Santos Laso, Álvaro; Utpatel, Kirsten; La Casta, Adelaida; Stock, Simone; Forner, Alejandro; Adeva, Jorge; Folseraas, Trine; Fabris, Luca; Macias, Rocio I. R.; Krawczyk, Marcin; Krawczyk, Marek; Cardinale, Vincenzo; Braconi, Chiara; Alvaro, Domenico; Evert, Matthias; Bañales Asurmendi, Jesús María ORCID; Valle, Juan W.; European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma (ENS-CCA) (Wiley, 2021-06-18)
      [EN] BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) with liver metastases is perceived to have a poor prognosis, but the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) classifies them as early stage in the absence ...
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      Liver osteopontin is required to prevent the progression of age-related nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 

      Gómez Santos, Beatriz; Saenz de Urturi Indart, Diego; Nuñez García, Maitane; González Romero, Francisco; Buqué García, Xabier ORCID; Aurrekoetxea Galindo, Igor ORCID; Gutiérrez de Juan, Virginia; González Rellán, María Jesús; García Monzón, Carmelo; González Rodríguez, Águeda; Mosteiro González, Lorena; Errazti Olartecoechea, Gaizka; Mifsut Porcel, Patricia; Gaztambide Sáenz, María Sonia; Castaño González, Luis Antonio ORCID; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; Nogueiras Pozo, Rubén; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID; Syn, Wing-Kin; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia (Wiley, 2020-07-07)
      [EN] Osteopontin (OPN), a senescence-associated secretory phenotype factor, is increased in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Cellular senescence has been associated with age-dependent hepatosteatosis. ...