Examinar por departamento (cas.) "Procesos psicológicos básicos y su desarrollo"
Now showing items 1-20 of 186
A functional variant that affects exon-skipping and protein expression of SP140 as genetic mechanism predisposing to multiple sclerosis
(Oxford University Pres, 2015-10-01)Several variants in strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) at the SP140 locus have been associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), Crohn's disease (CD) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). To determine the causal polymorphism, ... -
A Navigation Chart for Sustainability for the Ocean i3 Educational Project
(MDPI, 2022-04-15)The complex nature of sustainability challenges implies the need to provide students with interdisciplinary learning experiences and environments based on active and reflective learning. To know whether these experiences ... -
A Study on the Attachment to Pets Among Owners of Cats and Dogs Using the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS) in the Basque Country
(MDPI, 2025-01-01)The relationship between humans and their pets has long fascinated researchers, particularly in exploring how attachment varies according to the type of pet. Cats and dogs exhibit unique behavioral and social traits that ... -
A survey on the use of mice, pigs, dogs and monkeys as animal models in biomedical research in Spain
(Springernature, 2022)[EN] Background The use of animals in biomedical science remains controversial. An individual's level of concern is generally influenced by their culture, previous or current experience with animals, and the specific animal ... -
Adimen emozionala bitartekaritzaren esparruan. Sortzen diren emozioei gerturaketa
(2020-07-06)Azken urteotan espetxe zigorraren eraginkortasuna zalantzan jarri da hainbat esparrutan, eta honek beste justizia metodologia batzuen beharra bultzatu du. Justizia berriztagarria da Europatik eratorritako korronte nagusiena ... -
Afrontamiento al VIH, apoyo social y adherencia como factores mediadores en la calidad de vida en personas con VIH en tratamiento antirretroviral, con o sin diagnósticos múltiples por abuso de drogas
(2017-09-22)La infección por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) constituye un paradigma del carácter multifactorial de la salud, con componentes biológicos, psicológicos y sociales que interactúan entre sí y convergen en ... -
Alcohol consumption during lactation: effects on mother and child
(2020-07-14)Although there is evidence of the adverse consequences of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, the effects of alcohol consumption during lactation have not been that widely established. Consequently, due to this lack of ... -
Analyzing structural and functional brain changes related to an integrative cognitive remediation program for schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial
(Elsevier, 2023-05)Cognitive remediation has been shown to improve cognition in schizophrenia, but little is known about the specific functional and structural brain changes related to the implementation of an integrative cognitive remediation ... -
Análisis de la influencia del contexto familiar en el desarrollo cognitivo de niñas y niños de 4 años.
(2015-09-25)Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de un estudio de diseño prospectivo de base poblacional, multicentrico y longitudinal (N=346) en el marco del Proyecto INMA (www. infanciaymedioambiente.org). Profundiza y genera conocimiento ... -
Antonio Machado y Lev Vigotski. Ironía o crítica como instancias modernizadoras
(2012-06-29)[ES] Nuestro texto pone a dialogar Apócrifamente a Antonio Machado y a Lev Vigotski. Comienza cotejando apócrifamente las vidas y obras de Lev Vigotski y Antonio Machado respecto a “cuestiones parecidas”: la salida del ... -
Anxiety and depression after breast cancer: The predictive role of monoamine levels
(Elsevier, 2021-03-26)Despite the fact that the prevalence of anxiety and depression in breast cancer survivors is higher than in general female population, the psychobiological substrate of this phenomenon has yet to be elucidated. We aimed ... -
Applying Work and Organizational Psychology in the Field of Labor Relations: Exploratory Study in Trade Unions in the Basque Country
(MDPI, 2022-12-02)Historically, the relationship between work and organizational psychology and trade union organizations has been one of mutual indifference and neglect. The aim of this study is to explore whether trade union members’ ... -
Una aproximación psicosocial al conflicto vasco. Construyendo la paz en espacio abierto
(2013-02-28)Los objetivos principales de la tesis doctoral versan en construir conocimiento colectivo sobre el conflicto y la paz en el País Vasco, y aplicar el método de diálogo con grandes grupos Open Space Technology (Espacio ... -
Assessing the curriculum and profile of pedagogical professionals for new employment opportunities
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-12)The aim of this article is to analyze the extent to which students and teachers in the Degree in Pedagogy perceive the training they receive is consistent with employment opportunities in specific professional areas. To ... -
Assessing the inhibitory properties of a latent inhibitor in flavor-aversion learning
(Springer, 2022-12)In Experiment 1, rats received 16 nonreinforced trials of exposure to a flavor (A) that was subsequently used as the conditioned stimulus in flavor-aversion conditioning. In the critical condition, Flavor A was presented ... -
Assessment of positive parenting programmes in the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country (Spain)
(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid, 2016-08)This paper presents the results of a study aimed at identifying and assessing positive parenting programmes and activities carried out in the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country (ARBC), Spain. The study is a development ... -
Association among University Students’ Motivation, Resilience, Perceived Competence, and Classroom Climate from the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory
(MDPI, 2023-01-30)Self-determination theory (SDT) suggests that motivation can interact with resilience and perceived competence. The climate-related characteristics of the classroom can influence student motivation. This study aimed to ... -
Association of Maternal Iodine Status With Child IQ: A Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data
(Endocrine Society, 2019-03-28)Context: Although the consequences of severe iodine deficiency are beyond doubt, the effects of mild to moderate iodine deficiency in pregnancy on child neurodevelopment are less well established. Objective: To study the ... -
Associative mechanisms of transfer of extinction across contexts and stimuli: Studies on occasion setting and learning to learn.
(2018-12-14)La evidencia científica muestra que el aprendizaje que se da durante la extinción de una respuesta previamente condicionada se transfiere con dificultad entre contextos. El efecto de renovación de respuesta es el mejor ... -
Attention, interference, and context effects on stimulus pre-exposure in human participants
(2024-05-30)Se diseñaron ocho experimentos a lo largo de tres capítulos para distinguir las teorías predominantes de la inhibiciónlatente (IL), que atribuyen el efecto a la atención (p. ej., Mackintosh, 1975; Pearce y Hall, 1980), a ...