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      Elastic and Thermoreversible Iongels by Supramolecular PVA/Phenol Interactions 

      Luque, Gisela C.; Picchio, Matías L.; Martins, Ana P.S.; Domínguez Alfaro, Antonio; Tomé, Liliana C.; Mecerreyes Molero, David; Minari, Roque Javier (Wiley, 2020-06-28)
      Iongels have attracted much attention over the years as ion-conducting soft materials for applications in several technologies including stimuli-responsive drug release and flexible (bio)electronics. Nowadays, iongels with ...
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      Electrical Percolation in Extrinsically Conducting, Poly(εpsilon-Decalactone) Composite Neural Interface Materials 

      Krukiewicz, Katarzyna; Britton, James; Wieclawska, Daria; Skorupa, Malgorzata; Fernández Hernández, Jorge ORCID; Sarasua Oiz, José Ramón ORCID; Biggs, Manus J. P. (Nature, 2021-01-14)
      By providing a bidirectional communication channel between neural tissues and a biomedical device, it is envisaged that neural interfaces will be fundamental in the future diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders. ...
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      Electron-phonon-driven three-dimensional metallicity in an insulating cuprate 

      Baldini, Edoardo; Sentef, Michael A.; Acharya, Swagata; Brumme, Thomas; Sheveleva, Evgeniia; Lyzwa, Fryderyk; Pomjakushina, Ekaterina; Bernhard, Christian; Van Schilfgaarde, Mark; Carbone, Fabrizio; Rubio Secades, Angel; Weber, Cedric (National Academy of Sciences, 2020-03-24)
      The role of the crystal lattice for the electronic properties of cuprates and other high-temperature superconductors remains controversial despite decades of theoretical and experimental efforts. While the paradigm of ...
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      Electronic Decoupling of Polyacenes from the Underlying Metal Substrate bysp(3)Carbon Atoms 

      Mohammed, Mohammed S. G.; Colazzo, Luciano; Robles Rodríguez, Roberto; Dorel, Ruth; Echavarren, Antonio M.; Lorente Palacios, Nicolás; García de Oteyza Feldermann, Dimas (Nature, 2020-09-15)
      Many organic molecules exhibit interesting electronic and magnetic properties, but as they are deposited onto a metallic substrate, their hybridisation often impacts on the observed characteristics. Here, the authors report ...
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      Elevated CO2 did not affect the hydrological balance of a mature native Eucalyptus woodland 

      Gimeno, T.E.; McVicar, T.R.; O'Grady, A.P.; Tissue, D.T.; Ellsworth, D.S. (John Wiley and Sons, 2018)
      Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (eCa) might reduce forest water-use, due to decreased transpiration, following partial stomatal closure, thus enhancing water-use efficiency and productivity at low water availability. ...
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      Elucidating the Facet-dependent Selectivity for CO2 Electroreduction to Ethanol of Cu-Ag Tandem Catalysts 

      Iyengar, Pranit; Kolb, Manuel J.; Pankhurst, James R.; Calle Vallejo, Federico; Buonsanti, Raffaella (ACS, 2021-04-07)
      Despite being desirable high-value products of the electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR), alcohols are still obtained with lower selectivity compared to hydrocarbons and the reaction pathways leading to their ...
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      Emergence of new knowledge for climate change adaptation 

      Olazabal, M.; Chiabai, A.; Foudi, S.; Neumann, M.B. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Decision-making for climate change adaptation requires an integrated and cross-sectoral approach to adequately capture the complexity of interconnected systems. More meaningful decisions can be taken in an arena where ...
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      Emerging Ionic Soft Materials based on Deep Eutectic Solvents 

      Tomé, Liliana C.; Mecerreyes Molero, David (ACS, 2020-07-21)
      In the last five years, the use of deep eutectic solvents (DES) have been opening new perspectives towards the creation of novel ionic soft materials as alternatives to expensive ionic liquids. This Mini-Review highlights ...
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      Emotion Detection from Speech and Text 

      De Velasco Vázquez, Mikel ORCID; Justo Blanco, Raquel ORCID; Antón, Josu; Carrilero, Mikel; Torres Barañano, María Inés ORCID (International Speech Communication Association, 2018-11-21)
      The main goal of this work is to carry out automatic emo-tion detection from speech by using both acoustic and textualinformation. For doing that a set of audios were extracted froma TV show were different guests discuss ...
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      EMPATHIC: Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly 

      López Zorrilla, Asier ORCID; De Velasco Vázquez, Mikel ORCID; Irastorza Manso, Jon; Olaso Fernández, Javier Mikel; Justo Blanco, Raquel ORCID; Torres Barañano, María Inés ORCID (Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2018-09)
      The EMPATHIC project will research, innovate, explore and validatenew paradigms and platforms, laying the foundation for future generations of Per-sonalised Virtual Coaches to assist elderly people living independently ...
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      Empirical and dynamic approaches for modelling the yield and N content of European grasslands 

      Dellar, M.; Topp, C.; Pardo, G.; del Prado, A.; Fitton, N.; Holmes, D.; Banos, G.; Wall, E. (Elsevier, 2019)
      We applied two approaches to model grassland yield and nitrogen (N) content. The first was a series of regression equations; the second was the Century dynamic model. The regression model was generated from data from ...
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      Empirical Doppler Characterization of Signals Scattered by Wind Turbines in the UHF Band under Near Field Condition 

      Angulo Pita, Itziar ORCID; Montalbán Sánchez, Jon ORCID; Cañizo Canales, Josune; Wu, Yiyan; De la Vega Moreno, David ORCID; Guerra Pereda, David; Angueira Buceta, Pablo ORCID; Arrinda Sanzberro, Amaia (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013)
      Time variability of the scattering signals from wind turbines may lead to degradation problems on the communication systems provided in the UHF band, especially under near field condition. In order to analyze the variability ...
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      Enantioselective Ring-Opening Polymerization of rac-Lactide Dictated by Densely Substituted Aminoacids 

      Sánchez Sánchez, Ana; Rivilla de la Cruz, Iván ORCID; Agirre, Maddalen; Basterrechea Gorostiza, Andere; Etxeberria Lizarraga, Agustín ORCID; Veloso Fernández, Antonio; Sardon Muguruza, Haritz; Mecerreyes Molero, David; Cossío Mora, Fernando Pedro ORCID (ACS, 2017-03-08)
      Organocatalysis is becoming an important tool in polymer science because of its versatility and specificity. To date a limited number of organic catalysts have demonstrated the ability to promote stereocontrolled ...
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      Endogenous Fishing Mortalities: a State-Space Bioeconomic Model 

      Da Rocha, José María; García-Cutrín, Javier; Gutiérrez Huerta, María José; Jardim, Ernesto (Oxford University Press, 2017-05-13)
      A methodology that endogenously determines catchability functions that link fi shing mortality with contemporaneous stock abundance is presented. We consider a stochastic age-structured model for a fishery composed by ...
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      ENER-BI: Integrating Energy and Spatial Data for Cities’ Decarbonisation Planning 

      Urrutia Azcona, Koldo; Usobiaga Ferrer, Elena; De Agustín Camacho, Pablo; Molina Costa, Patricia; Benedito Bordonau, Mauricia; Flores Abascal, Iván (MDPI, 2021-01-04)
      Given the current climate emergency, our planet is suffering. Mitigation measures must be urgently deployed in urban environments, which are responsible for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions. In this sense, a deeper ...
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      Energetic study of ultrasonic wettability enhancement 

      Sarasua Miranda, Jon Ander; Ruiz Rubio, Leire; Aranzabe Basterrechea, Estíbaliz; Vilas Vilela, José Luis ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-11)
      [EN]Many industrial and biological interfacial processes, such as welding and breathing depend directly on wettability and surface tension phenomena. The most common methods to control the wettability are based on modifying ...
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      Energy and momentum transfer in one-dimensional trapped gases by stimulated light scattering 

      Fabbri, N.; Fort, C.; Modugno, Michele; Rosi, S.; Inguscio, M. (IOP Publishing, 2015-06-10)
      In ultracold atoms settings, inelastic light scattering is a preeminent technique to reveal static and dynamic properties at nonzero momentum. In this work, we investigate an array of one-dimensional trapped Bose gases, ...
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      Energy, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Air-to-Air Heat Pumps as an Alternative to Heating Electrification in Europe 

      Eguiarte, Olaia; Garrido Marijuán, Antonio; De Agustín Camacho, Pablo; Del Portillo Valdés, Luis Alfonso ORCID; Romero Amorrortu, Ander (MDPI, 2020-08-01)
      Heat pumps (HP) are an efficient alternative to non-electric heating systems (NEHS), being a cost-effective mean to support European building sector decarbonization. The paper studies HP and NEHS performance in residential ...
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      Energy-efficiency policies for decarbonising residential heating in Spain: A fuzzy cognitive mapping approach 

      López-Bernabé, E.; Linares, P.; Galarraga, I. (Energy Policy, 2022-12-01)
      Decarbonising residential heating poses a major challenge for the energy transition, but the policy attention devoted to and the support provided for it seem limited. There is a rather limited consideration of the perceptions ...
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      Energy-socio-economic-environmental modelling for the EU energy and post-COVID-19 transitions 

      Cazcarro, I.; García Gusano, Diego; Iribarren, D.; Linares, P.; Romero, J.C.; Arocena, P.; Arto, I.; Banacloche, S.; Lechón, Y.; Miguel, L.J.; Zafrilla, J.; López, L.A.; Langarita, R.; Cadarso, M.Á. (SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2022)
      Relevant energy questions have arisen because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic shock leads to emissions’ reductions consistent with the rates of decrease required to achieve the Paris Agreement goals. Those unforeseen ...