Examinar Tesis de Master por departamento (eus.) "Hizkuntzalaritza eta euskal ikasketak"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
La asignación de género en préstamos ingleses en el español de Puerto Rico
(2024)[ES] El presente estudio examina los juicios de aceptabilidad de 101 hablantes de Español de Puerto Rico en la asignación de género en sintagmas determinantes híbridos (DESP NING). Estos nativos de español favorecieron ... -
¿El cambio de lengua voluntario facilita la producción léxica de los bilingües?
(2024)Este estudio busca investigar si el cambio de lengua voluntario facilita el acceso léxico cuando se tiene un nivel de competencia distinta entre las dos lenguas implicadas. Según la Hipótesis del Control Adaptativo, el ... -
Elkanoko Joakin Lizarragaren lexikoaren azterketa
(2019)Lan honetan Elkanoko Joakin Lizarragaren lexikoa aztertzeko metodorik egokiena aurkitzen saiatu gara, Lizarragaren beraren lexikoa eta beste autore batzuena aztertzeko baliagarria izan dadin. Bi saio desberdin egin ditugu, ... -
Euskarazko perpaus erlatiboen joskera, jostailu zaharrentzat poltsa berriak ehuntzen
(2019)Perpaus erlatiboak (PE) izen bat modifikatzen duten mendeko perpausak dira. Hizkuntzaz hizkuntza erlatibakuntza modu ezberdinetara egiten da, eta hizkuntza bat eta berak erlatibakuntza modu ezberdinak izan ditzake. Er ... -
Grammaticalization of nouns meaning ‘head’ as reflexive markers in the Kartvelian and Basque languages
(2024)Nouns denoting human body parts often participate in grammaticalization processes in the languages of the world. In particular, body part nouns sometimes serve as a source for reflexive markers. Reflexive markers derived ... -
Konplementatzaile-Sintagma nahasiak euskara-gaztelania kode-alternantzian
(2019)Lan honen helburua euskara-gaztelania kode-alternantziako (KA) konplementatzaile-sintagma (KONPS) nahasiak deskribatzen saiatzea da. Horretarako, orain arte egindako lanak jaso eta fenomeno hori berariaz aztertzeko ... -
Processing and representation of unaccusative, unergative and transitive predicates: using eye-tracking and the visual world paradigm
(2024)Aim: This Master Thesis presents a Spanish replica of a study conducted in Dutch by Koring, Mak and Reuland (2012) using eye-tracking and the visual world paradigm. My research investigates the different processing patterns ... -
The Interpretation of Generics and Universal Quantifiers in Spanish-speaking Children
(2024)Among the many linguistic phenomena that can be found in everyday discourse, one that has garnered extensive linguistic, and psychological attention is genericity. Generics are statements such as “cats have whiskers” or ... -
The role of focus and context in the derivation of scalar inferences
(2024)This dissertation aims to make a contribution to the on-going discussion on what factors determine the derivation of Scalar Inferences (SIs). In Neo-Gricean pragmatics, SIs are inferences which arise due to the informative ... -
Writing skills in CLIL and non-CLIL classrooms in different sociolinguistic contexts
(2024)Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has become a widespread methodology to improve the general level of English, the Basque Autonomous Country (BAC) being no exception (Lasagabaster, 2008; Ruiz de Zarobe, ...