Telekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Unibertsitate Masterra;;Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación: Recent submissions
Now showing items 77-80 of 112
Computer vision based two-wheel self-balancing Rover featuring Arduino and Raspberry Pi
(2018-11-26)Holistic control system for a self-balancing robot with two wheels with several functionalities added to it, such as remote terminal control, and computer vision based algorithms. -
Comparativa teórica y práctica de middlewares MQTT
(2018-11-26)In this project, a theorical and practical comparison of middleware MQTT is made based on a use of case so as to know and deploy the solution that garantees the fulfillment of a group of requirements that have been inittialy ... -
Berpizteko bihotz erritmoak sailkatzeko ikasketa automatikoan oinarritutako algoritmo baten garapena
(2018-11-26)Laburpena Dokumentu hau berpizteko bihotz erritmoak sailkatzeko teknika ez-inbaditzaileen erabileran eta garapenean oinarrituta dago; zehatzago, ikasketa automatikoan oinarritutako algoritmo baten garapena dugu helburu. ... -
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System using Machine Learning Techniques
(2018-11-26)Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems are widely used on a wide range of applications nowadays. The proposed approach has been developed in order to recognise UK number plates from high resolution digital ...