Recent Submissions
Cortical Tracking of Speech Is Reduced in Adults Who Stutter When Listening for Speaking
(ASHA, 2024)Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate cortical tracking of speech (CTS) in adults who stutter (AWS) compared to typically fluent adults (TFAs) to test the involvement of the speech-motor network in tracking ... -
MEG evidence for left temporal and orbitofrontal involvement in breaking down inflected words and putting the pieces back together
(ELSEVIER, 2024)Amajor puzzle in the visual word recognition literature is how the human brain deals with complex words (e.g., presuppose). Prior work has shown that a multi-stage process is involved, starting with THE EARLY, FORM-BASED ... -
Mapping sentence comprehension and syntactic complexity: evidence from 131 stroke survivors
(OXFORD, 2024)Understanding and interpreting how words are organized in a sentence to convey distinct meanings is a cornerstone of human communication. The neural underpinnings of this ability, known as syntactic comprehension, are far ... -
Denoising task-correlated head motion from motor-task fMRI data with multi-echo ICA
(MIT PRESS, 2024)Motor-task functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is crucial in the study of several clinical conditions, including stroke and Parkinson’s disease. However, motor-task fMRI is complicated by task-correlated head ...