Browsing BCBL-Publications by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 716
Left Superior Temporal Gyrus Is Coupled to Attended Speech in a Cocktail-Party Auditory Scene
(The Journal of Neuroscience, 2016)Using a continuous listening task, we evaluated the coupling between the listener’s cortical activity and the temporal envelopes of different sounds in a multitalker auditory scene using magnetoencephalography and ... -
Regional Hippocampal Atrophy and Higher Levels of Plasma Amyloid-Beta Are Associated With Subjective Memory Complaints in Nondemented Elderly Subjects
(The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 2016)Background: Evidence suggests a link between the presence of subjective memory complaints (SMC) and lower volume of the hippocampus, one of the first regions to show neuropathological lesions in Alzheimer’s disease. ... -
Correction of Fat-Water Swaps in Dixon MRI
(Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention − MICCAI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016)The Dixon method is a popular and widely used technique for fat-water separation in magnetic resonance imaging, and today, nearly all scanner manufacturers are offering a Dixon-type pulse sequence that produces scans with ... -
The Anatomy of Non-conscious Recognition Memory
(Trends in Neusciences, 2016)Cortical regions as early as primary visual cortex have been implicated in recognition memory. Here, we outline the challenges that this presents for neurobiological accounts of recognition memory. We conclude that ... -
Breaking Down the Bilingual Cost in Speech Production
(Cognitive Science, 2016)Bilinguals have been shown to perform worse than monolinguals in a variety of verbal tasks. This study investigated this bilingual verbal cost in a large-scale picture-naming study conducted in Spanish. We explored how ... -
Foreign-accented speech modulates linguistic anticipatory processes
(Neuropsychologia, 2016)Listeners are able to anticipate upcoming words during sentence comprehension, and, as a result, they also pre-activate semantically related words. In the present study, we aim at exploring whether these anticipatory ... -
Fast and sequence-adaptive whole-brain segmentation using parametric Bayesian modeling
(NeuroImage, 2016)Quantitative analysis of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain requires accurate automated segmentation of anatomical structures. A desirable feature for such segmentation methods is to be robust against ... -
The effects of motivational reward on the pathological attentional blink following right hemisphere stroke
(Neuropsychologia, 2016)Recent work has shown that attentional deficits following stroke can be modulated by motivational stimulation, particularly anticipated monetary reward. Here we examined the effects of anticipated reward on the pathological ... -
Semantic parafoveal-on-foveal effects and preview benefits in reading: Evidence from Fixation Related Potentials
(Brain and Language, 2016)During reading parafoveal information can affect the processing of the word currently fixated (parafovea-on-fovea effect) and words perceived parafoveally can facilitate their subsequent processing when they are fixated ... -
Sleep in children triggers rapid reorganization of memory-related brain processes
(NeuroImage, 2016)Behavioral evidence shows that sleep is crucial for the consolidation of declarative memories in children as in adults. However, the underlying cerebral mechanisms remain virtually unexplored. Using magnetoencephalography, ... -
Learning and Recognition of a Non-conscious Sequence of Events in Human Primary Visual Cortex
(Current Biology, 2016)Human primary visual cortex (V1) has long been associated with learning simple low-level visual discriminations [1] and is classically considered outside of neural systems that support high-level cognitive behavior in ... -
Listeners beware: Speech production may be bad for learning speech sounds
(Journal of Memory and Language, 2016)Spoken language requires individuals to both perceive and produce speech. Because both processes access lexical and sublexical representations, it is commonly assumed that perception and production involve cooperative ... -
Testing Bilingual Educational Methods: A Plea to End the Language-Mixing Taboo
(Language Learning, 2016)Language mixing in a given class is often avoided in bilingual education because of the generally held belief that one subject should be taught in only one language and one person should stick to one language in order ... -
Are go/no-go tasks preferable to two-choice tasks in response time experiments with older adults?
(Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2016)Recent research has shown that, in response time (RT) tasks, the go/no-go response procedure produces faster (and less noisy) RTs and fewer errors than the two-choice response procedure in children, although these ... -
Evaluation of multi-echo ICA denoising for task based fMRI studies: Block designs, rapid event-related designs, and cardiac-gated fMRI
(NeuroImage, 2016)Multi-echo fMRI, particularly the multi-echo independent component analysis (ME-ICA) algorithm, has previously proven useful for increasing the sensitivity and reducing false positives for functional MRI (fMRI) based resting ... -
Automated Segmentation of the Human Hippocampus Along Its Longitudinal Axis
(Human Brain Mapping, 2016)The human hippocampal formation is a crucial brain structure for memory and cognitive function that is closely related to other subcortical and cortical brain regions. Recent neuroimaging studies have revealed differences ... -
Mutual influences between native and non-native vowels in production: Evidence from short-term visual articulatory feedback training
(Journal of Phonetics, 2016)We studied mutual influences between native and non-native vowel production during learning, i.e., before and after short-term visual articulatory feedback training with non-native sounds. Monolingual French speakers were ... -
Native Language Influence in the Segmentation of a Novel Language
(Language Learning and Development, 2016)A major problem in second language acquisition (SLA) is the segmentation of fluent speech in the target language, i.e., detecting the boundaries of phonological constituents like words and phrases in the speech stream. ... -
Semantic Integration and Age of Acquisition Effects in Code-Blend Comprehension
(Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2016)Semantic and lexical decision tasks were used to investigate the mechanisms underlying code-blend facilitation: the finding that hearing bimodal bilinguals comprehend signs in American Sign Language (ASL) and spoken ... -
Splitting the variance of statistical learning performance: A parametric investigation of exposure duration and transitional probabilities
(Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2016)What determines individuals’ efficacy in detecting regularities in visual statistical learning? Our theoretical starting point assumes that the variance in performance of statistical learning (SL) can be split into the ...