Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Breaking Down the Bilingual Cost in Speech Production
(Cognitive Science, 2016)Bilinguals have been shown to perform worse than monolinguals in a variety of verbal tasks. This study investigated this bilingual verbal cost in a large-scale picture-naming study conducted in Spanish. We explored how ... -
Cross-language and cross-modal activation in hearing bimodal bilinguals
(Journal of Memory and Language, 2016)This study investigates cross-language and cross-modal activation in bimodal bilinguals. Two groups of hearing bimodal bilinguals, natives (Experiment 1) and late learners (Experiment 2), for whom spoken Spanish is their ... -
Does bilingualism shape inhibitory control in the elderly?
(Journal of Memory and Language, 2016)Bilingualism has been argued to benefit executive functioning. However, recent research suggests that this advantage may stem from uncontrolled factors or incorrectly matched samples. In this study we test the effects of ... -
Lexical representations are malleable for about one second: Evidence for the non-automaticity of perceptual recalibration
(Cognitive Psychology, 2016)In listening to speech, people have been shown to apply several types of adjustment to their phonemic categories that take into account variations in the prevailing linguistic environment. These adjustments include ... -
Listeners beware: Speech production may be bad for learning speech sounds
(Journal of Memory and Language, 2016)Spoken language requires individuals to both perceive and produce speech. Because both processes access lexical and sublexical representations, it is commonly assumed that perception and production involve cooperative ...