Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Self-bias and the emotionality of foreign languages 

      Ivaz, Lela; Griffin, Kim L.; Duñabeitia, Jon Andoni (Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2019)
      Foreign language contexts impose a relative psychological and emotional distance in bilinguals. In our previous studies, we demonstrated that the use of a foreign language changes the strength of the seemingly automatic ...
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      The Spanish General Knowledge Norms 

      Dunabeitia, Jon Andoni; Griffin, Kim L.; Martín, Juan L.; Oliva, Mireia; Sámano, María L.; Ivaz, Lela (Frontiers in Psychology, 2016)
      This study introduces the Spanish adaptation of the General Knowledge Norms first created by Nelson and Narens (1980) and updated by Tauber et al. (2013). Following a procedure akin to that used in preceding studies and ...