Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      Cross-linguistic differences in the use of durational cues for the segmentation of a novel language 

      Ordin, Mikhail; Polyanskaya, Leona; Laka Mugarza, Itziar ORCID; Nespor, Marina (Memory & Cognition, 2017)
      It is widely accepted that duration can be exploited as phonological phrase final lengthening in the segmentation of a novel language, i.e., in extracting discrete constituents from continuous speech. The use of final ...
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      Native Language Influence in the Segmentation of a Novel Language 

      Ordin, Mikhail; Nespor, Marina (Language Learning and Development, 2016)
      A major problem in second language acquisition (SLA) is the segmentation of fluent speech in the target language, i.e., detecting the boundaries of phonological constituents like words and phrases in the speech stream. ...
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      Statistical Speech Segmentation in Tone Languages: The Role of Lexical Tones 

      Gómez, David M.; Mok, Peggy; Ordin, Mikhail; Mehler, Jacques; Nespor, Marina (Language and Speech, 2018)
      Research has demonstrated distinct roles for consonants and vowels in speech processing. For example, consonants have been shown to support lexical processes, such as the segmentation of speech based on transitional ...