304-tik 21-40 emaitza erakusten

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      Agricultural Soils Amended with Thermally-Dried Anaerobically-Digested Sewage Sludge Showed Increased Risk of Antibiotic Resistance Dissemination 

      Jauregi, Leire; Epelde Sierra, Lur; Alcorta Calvo, Miren Itziar; Garbisu Crespo, Carlos (Frontiers Media, 2021-04-28)
      The application of sewage sludge (SS) to agricultural soil can help meet crop nutrient requirements and enhance soil properties, while reusing an organic by-product. However, SS can be a source of antibiotic resistance ...
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      Allosteric control of dynamin-related protein 1 through a disordered C-terminal Short Linear Motif 

      Pérez Jover, María Isabel; Rochon, Kristy; Hu, Di; Mahajan, Mukesh; Mohan, Pooja Madan; Santos Pérez, Isaac; Ormaetxea Gisasola, Julene; Martínez Gálvez, Juan Manuel; Agirre, Jon; Qi, Xin; Mears, Jason A.; Shnyrova Zhadan, Anna ORCID; Ramachandran, Rajesh (Nature, 2024-01)
      The mechanochemical GTPase dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) catalyzes mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission, but the regulatory mechanisms remain ambiguous. Here we find that a conserved, intrinsically disordered, six-residue ...
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      An atlas of O-linked glycosylation on peptide hormones reveals diverse biological roles 

      Madsen, Thomas D.; Hansen, Lasse H.; Hintze, John; Ye, Zilu; Jebari Benslaiman, Shifa; Andersen, Daniel B.; Joshi, Hiren J.; Ju, Tongzhong; Goetze, Jens P.; Martin, Cesar; Rosenkilde, Mette M.; Holst, Jens J.; Kuhre, Rune E.; Goth, Christoffer K.; Vakhrushev, Sergey Y.; Schjoldager, Katrine T. (Nature, 2020-08-20)
      Peptide hormones and neuropeptides encompass a large class of bioactive peptides that regulate physiological processes like anxiety, blood glucose, appetite, inflammation and blood pressure. Here, we execute a focused ...
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      An E2F7-Dependent Transcriptional Program Modulates DNA Damage Repair And Genomic Stability 

      Michelena Sánchez, Jone ORCID; Apraiz García, Aintzane ORCID; Vallejo Rodríguez, Jon ORCID; García Santisteban, Iraia ORCID; Fullaondo Elordui-Zapaterieche, Asier ORCID; Alvarez Fernández, Mónica; Marcos, Marcos; Zubiaga Elordieta, Ana María ORCID (Oxford University Press, 2018-05-18)
      The cellular response to DNA damage is essential for maintaining the integrity of the genome. Recent evidence has identified E2F7 as a key player in DNA damage-dependent transcriptional regulation of cell-cycle genes. ...
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      An Epilepsy-Causing Mutation Leads to Co-Translational Misfolding of the Kv7.2 Channel 

      Urrutia Iñiguez, Janire; Aguado Martínez, Alejandra; Gomis Pérez, Carolina; Muguruza Montero, Arantza; Rodríguez Ballesteros, Oscar; Zhang, Jiaren; Núñez Viadero, Eider ORCID; Malo de la Fuente, Covadonga; Chung, Hee Jung; Leonardo Liceranzu, Aritz; Bergara Jauregui, Aitor; Villarroel Muñoz, Álvaro (Springer, 2021-05-21)
      BACKGROUND: The amino acid sequence of proteins generally carries all the necessary information for acquisition of native conformations, but the vectorial nature of translation can additionally determine the folding outcome. ...
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      Analysis of SUMOylated proteins using SUMO-traps 

      Da Silva Ferrada, Elisa; Xolalpa, Wendy; Lang, Valerie; Aillet, Fabienne; Martín-Ruiz, Itziar; De la Cruz-Herrera, Carlos F.; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; Carracedo Pérez, Arkaitz ORCID; Goldenberg, Seth J.; Rivas, Carmen; England, Patrick; Rodríguez, Manuel S. (Nature Publishing Group, 2013-04-22)
      SUMO-modified proteins are recognized by SUMO interacting motifs (SIMs), thus triggering diverse cellular responses. Here SIMs were used to develop SUMO-traps to capture endogenous SUMOylated proteins. Our results show ...
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      Analysis on the Characterization of Multiphoton Microscopy Images for Malignant Neoplastic Colon Lesion Detection under Deep Learning Methods 

      Terradillos Fernández, Elena; López Saratxaga, Cristina; Mattana, Sara; Cicchi, Riccardo; Pavone, Francesco S.; Andraka Rueda, Nagore; Glover, Benjamin J.; Arbide del Río, Nagore; Velasco Arteche, Jacques; Etxezarraga Zuluaga, María Carmen; Picón Ruiz, Artzai ORCID (Wolters Kluwer, 2021-06-21)
      Background: Colorectal cancer has a high incidence rate worldwide, with over 1.8 million new cases and 880,792 deaths in 2018. Fortunately, its early detection significantly increases the survival rate, reaching a cure ...
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      Antibiotic Resistance in Agricultural Soil and Crops Associated to the Application of Cow Manure-Derived Amendments from Conventional and Organic Livestock Farms 

      Jauregi, Leire; Epelde Sierra, Lur; Alcorta Calvo, Miren Itziar; Garbisu Crespo, Carlos (Frontiers Media, 2021-02-23)
      he application of organic amendments to agricultural soil can enhance crop yield, while improving the physicochemical and biological properties of the recipient soils. However, the use of manure-derived amendments as ...
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      Antibiotics in Dairy Production: Where Is the Problem? 

      Virto Lecuona, María Dolores ORCID; Santamarina García, Gorka; Amores Olazaguirre, Gustavo ORCID; Hernández Ochoa, Igor ORCID (MDPI, 2022-08-01)
      Antibiotics have long been used for the prevention and treatment of common diseases and for prophylactic purposes in dairy animals. However, in recent decades it has become a matter of concern due to the widespread belief ...
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      Apaf-1 Inhibitors Protect from Unwanted Cell Death in In Vivo Models of Kidney Ischemia and Chemotherapy Induced Ototoxicity 

      Orzáez, Mar; Sancho, Mónica; Marchán, Sandra; Mondragón, Laura; Montava, Rebeca; García Valero, Juan; Landeta Díaz, Olatz ORCID; Basáñez Asúa, Gorka; Carbajo, Rodrigo J.; Pineda-Lucena, Antonio; Bujons, Jordi; Moure, Alejandra; Messeguer, Angel; Lagunas, Carmen; Herrero, Carmen; Pérez- Payá, Enrique (Public Library Science, 2014-10-20)
      Background: Excessive apoptosis induces unwanted cell death and promotes pathological conditions. Drug discovery efforts aimed at decreasing apoptotic damage initially targeted the inhibition of effector caspases. Although ...
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      Application of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles to Improve the Efficiency of Anticancer Drugs 

      Bayón Cordero, Laura; Alcorta Calvo, Miren Itziar; Arana Urbieta, Lide (MDPI, 2019-03-22)
      Drug delivery systems have opened new avenues to improve the therapeutic effects of already-efficient molecules. Particularly, Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) have emerged as promising nanocarriers in cancer therapy. SLNs ...
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      Arachidyl Amido Cholanoic Acid Improves Liver Glucose and Lipid Homeostasis in Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Via AMPK and mTOR Regulation 

      Fernández Ramos, David; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; De la Cruz Villar, Laura; Bilbao García, Jon; Pagano, Martina; Mosca, Laura; Bizkarguenaga, Maider; Serrano Maciá, Marina; Azkargorta, Mikel; Iruarrizaga Lejarreta, Marta; Sot, Jesús; Tsvirkun, Darya; Van Liempd, Sebastiaan Martijn; Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID; Alonso, Cristina; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID; Elortza, Felix; Hayardeny, Liat; Lu, Shelly C.; Mato, José M. (Baishideng, 2020-09-14)
      BACKGROUND Arachidyl amido cholanoic acid (Aramchol) is a potent downregulator of hepatic stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) protein expression that reduces liver triglycerides and fibrosis in animal models of steatohepatitis. ...
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      Ascertaining the initiation of epidemic resurgences: an application to the COVID-19 second surges in Europe and the Northeast United States 

      Gómez Vilar, José Manuel; Saiz, Leonor (The Royal Society, 2021-10-06)
      [EN]Assessing a potential resurgence of an epidemic outbreak with certainty is as important as it is challenging. The low number of infectious individuals after a long regression, and the randomness associated with it, ...
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      Atomistic Insights of Calmodulin Gating of Complete Ion Channels 

      Núñez Viadero, Eider ORCID; Muguruza Montero, Arantza; Villarroel Muñoz, Álvaro (MDPI, 2020-02-14)
      Intracellular calcium is essential for many physiological processes, from neuronal signaling and exocytosis to muscle contraction and bone formation. Ca<sup>2+</sup> signaling from the extracellular medium depends both on ...
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      BFL1 Modulates Apoptosis at the Membrane Level through a Bifunctional And Multimodal Mechanism Showing Key Differences With BCLXL 

      Flores Romero, Héctor; Landeta Díaz, Olatz ORCID; Ugarte Uribe, Begoña ORCID; Cosentino, Katia; García Porras, Miguel; García-Sáez, Ana J.; Basañez, Gorka (Springer Nature, 2018-12-18)
      BFL1 is a relatively understudied member of the BCL2 protein family which has been implicated in the pathogenesis andchemoresistance of a variety of human cancers, including hematological malignancies and solid tumours. ...
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      Bio-based hybrid nanocomposites as multifunctional sustainable materials for stone conservation 

      Irizar Merino, Pablo; Pintor Rial, Ainara; Martínez Arkarazo, Irantzu; Olazabal Dueñas, María Ángeles; Ruiz Rubio, Leire; Cardiano, Paola; Gómez Laserna, Olivia (Elsevier, 2023-08-23)
      This study was aimed at developing a sustainable versatile bio-based epoxy-silica material to be potentially employed as hydrophobic and biocidal consolidating product in the field of stone conservation. For this purpose, ...
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      BIRC6 Is Associated with Vulnerability of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque 

      Alloza Moral, Iraide; Salegi, Andrea; Mena Lucía, Jorge; Tulloch Navarro, Raquel; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia; Martínez Salazar, Lucía; Uriarte Carpio, Jon; De la Hera Cagigal, Patricia; Vega Manrique, Reyes; Triviño, Juan Carlos; Freijo, María del Mar; Vandenbroeck, Koen (MDPI, 2020-12-09)
      Carotid atherosclerotic plaque rupture can lead to cerebrovascular accident (CVA). By comparing RNA-Seq data from vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) extracted from carotid atheroma surgically excised from a group of ...
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      Birth and Early Steps of the Organization of Biophysics in Spain 

      Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID (MDPI, 2022-11-19)
      In the 1960s, Biophysics was an unheard of scientific field in Spain, and even outside Spain, the distinction between Biophysics and Molecular Biology was not clear at the time. This paper describes briefly the developments ...
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      C24:0 and C24:1 sphingolipids in cholesterol-containing, five- and six-component lipid membranes 

      González Ramírez, Emilio José; García Arribas, Aritz ORCID; Sot, Jesús; Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID; Alonso Izquierdo, Alicia ORCID (Nature, 2020-08-24)
      The biophysical properties of sphingolipids containing lignoceric (C24:0) or nervonic (C24:1) fatty acyl residues have been studied in multicomponent lipid bilayers containing cholesterol (Chol), by means of confocal ...
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      Ca2+ Influx and Tyrosine Kinases Trigger Bordetella Adenylate Cyclase Toxin (ACT) Endocytosis. Cell Physiology and Expression of the CD11b/CD18 Integrin Major Determinants of the Entry Route 

      Belloso Uribe, Kepa; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; Etxebarria, Aitor; González Bullón, David ORCID; Gómez Bilbao, Geraxane; Ostolaza Echabe, Elena Amaya (Public Library Publishing, 2013-09)
      Humans infected with Bordetella pertussis, the whooping cough bacterium, show evidences of impaired host defenses. This pathogenic bacterium produces a unique adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) which enters human phagocytes and ...