Now showing items 21-40 of 192

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      Analysis of the Air Quality of the Basque Autonomous Community Using Spatial Interpolation 

      Alberdi Celaya, Elisabete ORCID; Álvarez González, Irantzu ORCID; Hernández, Heber; Oyarbide Zubillaga, Aitor; Goti Elordi, Aitor (MDPI, 2020-05-20)
      This work presents the results obtained from a spatial modeling and analysis process on pollutants measured in the air through forty-three monitoring stations located in the three provinces of the Basque Autonomous Community ...
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      Analytics of type IIB flux vacua and their mass spectra 

      Coudarchet, Thibaut; Marchesano, Fernando; Prieto Rodríguez, David; Álvarez Urquiola, Mikel ORCID (Springer, 2023-01)
      We analyze the tree-level potential of type IIB flux compactifications in warped Calabi-Yau orientifolds, in regions of weak coupling and moderately large complex structure. In this regime, one may approximate the flux-induced ...
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      Angle-resolved direct emissivity measurements on unencapsulated solar cells for passive thermal control 

      González de Arrieta Martinez, Iñigo ORCID; Echániz Ariceta, Telmo ORCID; Fuente Dacal, Raquel; López, Gabriel Alejandro ORCID (IEEE, 2024-03-18)
      The emissivity of two unencapsulated photovoltaic cells has been measured by a direct radiometric method, between 30 and 50 °C, and indirectly at room temperature. The advantages of the angle-resolved direct method for the ...
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      Anisotropy of the Electric Field Gradient in Two-Dimensional α-MoO3 Investigated by 57Mn(57Fe) Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy 

      Schell, Juliana; Zyabkin, Dmitry; Bharuth-Ram, Krish; Gonçalves, João N.; Díaz-Guerra, Carlos; Gunnlaugsson, Haraldur Páll; Tarazaga Martín-Luengo, Aitana; Schaaf, Peter; Bonanni, Alberta; Masenda, Hilary; Dang, Thien Thanh; Mølholt, Torben E.; Ólafsson, Sveinn; Unzueta Solozabal, Iraultza ORCID; Mantovan, Roberto; Johnston, Karl; Gíslason, Hafliði Pétur; Krastev, Petko B.; Naidoo, Deena; Qi, Bingcui (MDPI, 2022-07-04)
      Van der Waals α-MoO3 samples offer a wide range of attractive catalytic, electronic, and optical properties. We present herein an emission Mössbauer spectroscopy (eMS) study of the electric-field gradient (EFG) anisotropy ...
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      Annealing studies combined with low temperature emission Mössbauer spectroscopy of short-lived parent isotopes: Determination of local Debye–Waller factors 

      Gunnlaugsson, H. P.; Masenda, H.; Mølholt, T. E.; Bharuth-Ram, K.; Ólafsson, S.; Johnston, K.; Schell, J.; Gislason, H. P.; Krastev, P. B.; Mantovan, R.; Naidoo, D.; Qi, B.; Unzueta Solozabal, Iraultza ORCID (American Institute of Physics, 2021-01)
      An extension of the online implantation chamber used for emission Mossbauer Spectroscopy (eMS) at ISOLDE/CERN that allows for quick removal of samples for offline low temperature studies is briefly described. We demonstrate ...
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      Application of the k-Prototype Clustering Approach for the Definition of Geostatistical Estimation Domains 

      Hernández, Heber; Alberdi Celaya, Elisabete ORCID; Goti Elordi, Aitor; Oyarbide Zubillaga, Aitor (MDPI, 2023-02-01)
      The definition of geostatistical domains is a stage in the estimation of mineral resources, in which a sample resulting from a mining exploration process is divided into zones that show homogeneity or minimal variation in ...
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      Aspects of quality control of wind profiler measurements in complex topography 

      Maruri Machado, María de las Mercedes; Romo Argota, Juan Antonio; Gomez, L. (Copernicus Gesellschaft, 2014)
      It is well known in the scientific community that some remote sensing instruments assume that sample volumes present homogeneous conditions within a defined meteorological profile. At complex topographic sites and under ...
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      Assessing the suitability of the minimum capture size and protection regimes in the gooseneck barnacle shellfishery 

      Bidegain Cancer, Gorka; Guinda, Xabier; Sestelo, Marta; Roca Pardiñas, Javier; Puente, Araceli; Juanes, José Antonio (Elsevier, 2014-12-19)
      The suitability of a total-length-based, minimum capture-size and different protection regimes was investigated for the gooseneck barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes shellfishery in N Spain. For this analysis, individuals that ...
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      Assessment of Biomass Energy Potential and Forest Carbon Stocks in Biscay (Spain) 

      Mateos Sánchez, Esperanza ORCID; Garrido Uriarte, Florencio; Ormaetxea Butrón, Leyre (MDPI, 2016-03)
      The aim of this research is to identify, quantify and characterize the potential available forest biomass of Pinus radiata D. Don and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. across Biscay province in northern Spain. In order to do ...
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      Assessment of the Evolution of End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide within Chest Compression Pauses to Detect Restoration of Spontaneous Circulation 

      Gutiérrez Ruiz, José Julio ORCID; Leturiondo Sota, Mikel ORCID; Ruiz de Gauna Gutiérrez, Sofía ORCID; Ruiz Ojeda, Jesús María ORCID; Azcarate Blanco, Izaskun; González Otero, Digna María; Urtusagasti, Juan Francisco; Russell, James Knox; Daya, Mohamud Ramzan (Public Library Of Science, 2021-05-18)
      Background Measurement of end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) can help to monitor circulation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). However, early detection of restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) during CPR using ...
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      BAMS: A Tool for Supervised Burned Area Mapping Using Landsat Data 

      Bastarrica Izaguirre, Aitor; Alvarado Herrán, María Teresa ORCID; Artano Pérez, Karmele ORCID; Martinez Blanco, Maria Pilar ORCID; Mesanza Moraza, Amaia ORCID; Torre Tojal, Leyre ORCID; Ramo, Rubén; Chuvieco, Emilio (MDPI, 2014-12)
      A new supervised burned area mapping software named BAMS (Burned Area Mapping Software) is presented in this paper. The tool was built from standard ArcGIS (TM) libraries. It computes several of the spectral indexes most ...
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      Bayesian network-based over-sampling method (BOSME) with application to indirect cost-sensitive learning 

      Delgado de la Torre, Rosario; Núñez González, José David (Nature, 2022-05)
      Traditional supervised learning algorithms do not satisfactorily solve the classification problem on imbalanced data sets, since they tend to assign the majority class, to the detriment of the minority class classification. ...
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      Beach management policy analysis concerning safety flag systems in Northern Spain 

      Basterrechea Iribar, Imanol; Sotes Cedrón, Iranzu; Sánchez Beaskoetxea Gómez, Francisco Javier ORCID; Maruri Machado, María de las Mercedes (Elsevier, 2022-10)
      The aim of this paper is to analyse the meaning of beach safety flags and their management along the Northern Spanish coast. There are more than 1000 small beaches, which are often in high demand by tourism during the ...
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      Brane nucleation in supersymmetric models 

      Bandos, Igor; Blanco Pillado, José Juan; Sousa, Kepa ORCID; Álvarez Urquiola, Mikel ORCID (Springer Nature, 2023-10-11)
      This paper explores the process of vacuum decay in supersymmetric models related to flux compactifications. In particular, we describe these instabilities within supersymmetric Lagrangians for a single three-form multiplet. ...
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      Brillouin distributed sensor using RF shaping of pump pulses 

      Zornoza Indart, Ander; Olier, David; Sagues, Mikel; Loayssa, Alayn (IOP, 2010)
      We introduce a novel configuration for long-range Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) sensors that is based on shaping the pump pulses in the radio frequency instead of the optical domain. This results in a ...
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      Brillouin spectral scanning using the wavelength dependence of the frequency shift 

      Zornoza Indart, Ander; Olier, David; Sagues, Mikel; Loayssa, Alayn (IEEE, 2011)
      We present a novel Brillouin spectra characterization method based on the Brillouin frequency shift dependence with pump wavelength. It is applied to a Brillouin optical time domain analysis sensor, resulting in a cost ...
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      Capnography: A support tool for the detection of return of spontaneous circulation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 

      Elola Artano, Andoni; Aramendi Ecenarro, Elisabete; Irusta Zarandona, Unai; Alonso González, Erik ORCID; Lu, Yuanzheng; Chang, Mary P.; Owens, Pamela; Idris, Ahamed (Elsevier, 2019-09)
      Background Automated detection of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is still an unsolved problem during cardiac arrest. Current guidelines recommend the use of capnography, but most automatic methods are based ...
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      Carbon-coated fiber for optoelectronic strain and vibration sensing 

      Amorebieta Herrero, Josu ORCID; Pereira, Joao; Franciscangelis, Carolina; Durana Apaolaza, Gaizka; Zubia Zaballa, Joseba Andoni; Villatoro Bernardo, Agustín Joel; Margulis, Walter (Elsevier, 2024-07)
      In this article, we report on a carbon-coated optical fiber that is suitable to be used simultaneously as a transmission medium and as a sensor. It consists of a standard single mode fiber (SMF) sleeved in two layers of ...
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      Cardiac output estimation using ballistocardiography: a feasibility study in healthy subjects 

      Svensøy, Johannes Nordsteien; Alonso, Erik ORCID; Elola Artano, Andoni; Bjørnerheim, Reidar; Ræder, Johan; Aramendi Ecenarro, Elisabete; Wik, Lars (Nature, 2024)
      There is no reliable automated non-invasive solution for monitoring circulation and guiding treatment in prehospital emergency medicine. Cardiac output (CO) monitoring might provide a solution, but CO monitors are not ...
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      Characterization of Chromatic Dispersion and Refractive Index of Polymer Optical Fibers 

      Ayesta Ereño, Igor ORCID; Zubia Zaballa, Joseba Andoni; Arrue Aramburu, Juan Antonio ORCID; Illarramendi Leturia, María Asunción ORCID; Azkune Ulla, Mikel ORCID (MDPI, 2017-12-20)
      The chromatic dispersion and the refractive index of poly(methyl methacrylate) polymer optical fibers (POFs) have been characterized in this work by using a tunable femtosecond laser and a Streak Camera. The characterization ...