Now showing items 6112-6131 of 10998

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      m6A Methylated Long Noncoding RNA LOC339803 Regulates Intestinal Inflammatory Response 

      Olazagoitia Garmendia, Ane; Rojas Márquez, Henar; Sebastián de la Cruz, Maialen ORCID; Agirre Lizaso, Aloña; Ochoa, Anne; Mendoza Gómez, Luis Manuel; Perugorria Montiel, María Jesús; Bujanda Fernández de Pierola, Luis ORCID; Huerta Madrigal, Alain; Santín Gómez, Izortze; Castellanos Rubio, Ainara (Wiley, 2024-04)
      Cytokine mediated sustained inflammation increases the risk to develop different complex chronic inflammatory diseases, but the implicated mechanisms remain unclear. Increasing evidence shows that long noncoding RNAs ...
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      Machine Learning Approach for Modeling and Control of a Commercial Heliocentris FC50 PEM Fuel Cell System 

      Derbeli, Mohamed; Napole, Cristian; Barambones Caramazana, Oscar ORCID (MDPI, 2021-08-26)
      In recent years, machine learning (ML) has received growing attention and it has been used in a wide range of applications. However, the ML application in renewable energies systems such as fuel cells is still limited. In ...
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      Machine Learning based Fall Detector with a Sensorized Tip 

      Brull Mesanza, Asier ORCID; D'Ascanio, Ilaria; Zubizarreta Pico, Asier ORCID; Palmerini, Luca; Chiari, Lorenzo; Cabanes Axpe, Itziar (IEEE, 2021-12-03)
      [EN]Fall detection has become an area of interest in recent years, as quick response to these events is critical to reduce the morbidity and mortality rate. In order to ensure proper fall detection, several technologies ...
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      Machine Learning First Response to COVID-19: A Systematic Literature Review of Clinical Decision Assistance Approaches during Pandemic Years from 2020 to 2022 

      Badiola Zabala, Goizalde; López Guede, José Manuel ORCID; Estévez Sanz, Julián ORCID; Graña Romay, Manuel María (MDPI, 2024-03-07)
      Background: The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered global efforts to control and manage the virus impact. Scientists and researchers have been strongly involved in developing effective strategies that can help ...
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      Machine Learning for the Built Heritage Archaeological Study 

      Mesanza Moraza, Amaia ORCID; García Gómez, Ismael; Azkarate Garai-Olaun, Agustín ORCID (Association for Computing Machinery, 2021-02)
      The presence of artificial intelligence in our lives is increasing and being applied to fields such as medicine, engineering, telecommunications, remote sensing and 3D visualization. Nevertheless, it has never been used ...
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      Machine learning in the EU health care context: exploring the ethical, legal and social issues 

      De Miguel Beriain, Iñigo; Lazcoz Moratinos, Guillermo ORCID; Sanz Echevarría, María Begoña (Taylor and Francis, 2020-07-14)
      Diagnosis and clinical decision-making based on Machine Learning technologies are showing significant advances that may change the functioning of our health care systems. They promise more effective and efficient healthcare ...
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      Machine Learning Techniques for the Detection of Shockable Rhythms in Automated External Defibrillators 

      Figuera, Carlos; Irusta Zarandona, Unai; Morgado, Eduardo; Aramendi Ecenarro, Elisabete; Ayala Fernández, Unai; Wik, Lars; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Eftestøl, Trygve; Alonso Atienza, Felipe (Public Library Science, 2016-07-21)
      Early recognition of ventricular fibrillation (VF) and electrical therapy are key for the survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients treated with automated external defibrillators (AED). AED algorithms for ...
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      Machine Learning-Assisted High-Throughput SERS Classification of Cell Secretomes 

      Plou, Javier; Valera Sapena, Pablo Salvador; García, Isabel; Vila Liarte, David; Renero Lecuna, Carlos; Ruiz Cabello, Jesús; Carracedo Pérez, Arkaitz ORCID; Liz Marzán, Luis Manuel (Wiley, 2023-12)
      During the response to different stress conditions, damaged cells react in multiple ways, including the release of a diverse cocktail of metabolites. Moreover, secretomes from dying cells can contribute to the effectiveness ...
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      Machine learning-based gait anomaly detection using a sensorized tip: an individualized approach 

      Otamendi, Janire; Zubizarreta Pico, Asier ORCID; Portillo Pérez, Eva (Springer Nature, 2023)
      Lower limb motor impairment affects greatly the autonomy and quality of life of those people suffering from it. Recent studies have shown that an appropriate rehabilitation can significantly improve their condition, but, ...
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      Machine learning-based model for prediction of clinical deterioration in hospitalized patients by COVID 19 

      García Gutiérrez, Susana; Esteban, Cristóbal; Lafuente Guerrero, Iratxe; Barrio Beraza, Irantzu; Quirós, Raúl; Quintana López, José María; Uranga Echeverría, Ane; COVID-REDISSEC Working Group (Nature Research, 2022)
      [EN] Despite the publication of great number of tools to aid decisions in COVID-19 patients, there is a lack of good instruments to predict clinical deterioration. COVID19-Osakidetza is a prospective cohort study recruiting ...
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      Machining Stresses and Initial Geometry on Bulk Residual Stresses Characterization by On-Machine Layer Removal 

      Aurrekoetxea Totorikaguena, María; López de Lacalle Marcaide, Luis Norberto; Llanos González de Durana, Iñigo (MDPI, 2020-03-22)
      Prediction and control of machining distortion is a primary concern when manufacturing monolithic components due to the high scrap and rework costs involved. Bulk residual stresses, which vary from blank to blank, are a ...
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      Macro-kinetic model for CuO-ZnO-ZrO2@SAPO-11 core-shell catalyst in the direct synthesis of DME from CO/CO2 

      Ateka Bilbao, Ainara; Portillo Bazaco, Ander; Sánchez Contador, Miguel; Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier; Aguayo Urquijo, Andrés Tomás ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-01-14)
      An original kinetic model has been used to describe the performance of an original CuO-ZnO-ZrO2@SAPO-11 bifunctional catalyst on the one-stage synthesis of dimethyl ether (DME) from CO/CO2 hydrogenation. The model considers ...
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      Macrophage-dependent IL-1 beta production induces cardiac arrhythmias in diabetic mice 

      Monnerat, Gustavo; Alarcón, Micaela L.; Vasconcellos, Luiz R.; Hochman-Mendez, Camila; Brasil, Guilherme; Bassani, Rosana A.; Casis Sáenz, Oscar ORCID; Malan, Daniela; Travassos, Leonardo H.; Sepúlveda, Marisa; Burgos, Juan Ignacio; Vila Petroff, Martin; Dutra, Fabiano F.; Bozza, Marcelo T.; Paiva, Claudia N.; Bastos Carvalho, Adriana; Bonomo, Adriana; Fleischmann, Bernd K.; Campos de Carvalho, Antonio Carlos; Medei, Emiliano (Nature Publishing, 2016-11-24)
      Diabetes mellitus (DM) encompasses a multitude of secondary disorders, including heart disease. One of the most frequent and potentially life threatening disorders of DM-induced heart disease is ventricular tachycardia ...
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      Macrozooplankton predation impact on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) eggs mortality at the Bay of Biscay shelf break spawning centre 

      Albaina Vivanco, Aitor; Irigoien, Xabier; Aldalur, Unai; Boyra, Guillermo; Santos, María; Estomba Recalde, Miren Andone ORCID (Oxford University Press, 2014-11-23)
      A real-time PCR based method involving a species-specific probe was applied to detect Engraulis encrasicolus eggs predation by the macrozooplank- ton community during the 2011 spawning season. Three locations along the ...
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      MACsec Layer 2 Security in HSR Rings in Substation Automation Systems 

      Lázaro Arrotegui, Jesús; Astarloa Cuéllar, Armando Fermín; Araujo Parra, José Ángel ORCID; Moreira Ciruelos, Naiara; Bidarte Peraita, Unai ORCID (MDPI, 2017-01-31)
      The smart-grid concept takes the communications from the enclosed and protected environment of a substation to the wider city or nationwide area. In this environment, cyber security takes a key role in order to secure the ...
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      Madame de Genlis on the Victorian Stage 

      Ibeas Altamira, Juan Manuel (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier, 2017-11-01)
      Cette étude analyse les œuvres de Madame de Genlis et leurs connexions avec le théâtre victorien. Au cours de sa longue et prolifique activité littéraire, Stéphanie Félicité du Crest de Saint-Aubin, Comtesse de Genlis, ...
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      Las madres bricoleurs. Estrategias, prácticas y modelos maternales contemporáneos 

      Imaz Martínez, Miren Elixabete ORCID (Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas e Centro de Comunicação e Expressão da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2016-08)
      Basándose en varios estudios referidos a la maternidad, la evolución de la familia, y las estrategias reproductivas en el País Vasco (España), el artículo reflexiona sobre cómo las mujeres deciden ser madres en el contexto ...
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      MAGI2 Gene Region and Celiac Disease 

      Jauregi Miguel, Amaia; Santín Gómez, Izortze; García Etxebarria, Koldo; Olazagoitia Garmendia, Ane; Romero Garmendia, Irati; Sebastián de la Cruz, Maialen ORCID; Irastorza Terradillos, Iñaki Xarles ORCID; Spanish Consortium for the Genetics of Celiac Disease; Castellanos Rubio, Ainara; Bilbao Catalá, José Ramón ORCID (Frontiers Media, 2019-12-19)
      Celiac disease (CD) patients present a loss of intestinal barrier function due to structural alterations in the tight junction (TJ) network, the most apical unions between epithelial cells. The association of TJ-related ...
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      Magnesium Accumulation Upon Cyclin M4 Silencing Activates Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein Improving NASH 

      Simón Espinosa, Jorge; Goikoetxea Usandizaga, Naroa; Serrano Maciá, Marina; Fernández Ramos, David; Saenz de Urturi Indart, Diego; Gruskos, Jessica J.; Fernández Tussy, Pablo; Lachiondo Ortega, Sofía; González Recio, Irene; Rodríguez Agudo, Rubén; Gutiérrez de Juan, Virginia; Rodríguez Iruretagoyena, Begoña; Varela Rey, Marta; Giménez Mascarell, Paula; Mercado Gómez, María; Gómez Santos, Beatriz; Fernández Rodríguez, Carmen; Lopitz Otsoa, Fernando; Bizkarguenaga, Maider; Dames, Sibylle; Schaeper, Ute; Martin, Franz; Sabio, Guadalupe; Iruzubieta, Paula; Crespo, Javier; Aspichueta Celaá, Patricia; Chu, Kevan H. Y.; Buccella, Daniela; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; Cardoso Delgado, Teresa de Jesús; Martínez de la Cruz, Alfonso; Martínez Chantar, María Luz ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-07)
      Background & Aims: Perturbations of intracellular magnesium (Mg2+) homeostasis have implications for cell physiology. The cyclin M family, CNNM, perform key functions in the transport of Mg2+ across cell membranes. Herein, ...
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      Magnetic and Luminescent Properties of Isostructural 2D Coordination Polymers Based on 2-Pyrimidinecarboxylate and Lanthanide Ions 

      García García, Amalia; Zabala Lekuona, Andoni; Goñi Cárdenas, Ainhoa; Cepeda Ruiz, Javier; Seco Botana, José Manuel ORCID; Salinas-Castillo, Alfonso; Choquesillo Lazarte, Duane; Rodríguez-Diéguez, Antonio (MDPI, 2020-07-02)
      A couple of isostructural coordination polymers with the general formula [Ln4(pymca)4(AcO)8]n have been obtained from reactions between pyrimidine-2-carboxylate (pymca) ligand and rare-earth ions (Ln = Dy (1), Nd (2)). ...