Now showing items 10850-10869 of 10989

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      WACline: A Software Product Line to harness heterogeneity in Web Annotation 

      Medina Camacho, Haritz ORCID; Díaz García, Oscar; Garmendia Díaz, Xabier ORCID (Elsevier, 2022-06)
      [EN] A significant amount of research project funding is spent creating customized annotation systems, reinventing the wheel once and again, developing the same common features. In this paper, we present WACline, a Software ...
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      Wage stickiness and unemployment fluctuations: an alternative approach 

      Casares, Miguel; Moreno, Antonio; Vázquez Pérez, Jesús ORCID (Springer, 2012-09)
      Erceg et al. (J Monet Econ 46:281-313, 2000) introduce sticky wages in a New-Keynesian general-equilibrium model. Alternatively, it is shown here how wage stickiness may bring unemployment fluctuations into a New-Keynesian ...
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      Walker-like domain wall breakdown in layered antiferromagnets driven by staggered spin-orbit fields 

      Otxoa, Ruben M.; Roy, P. E.; Rama Eiroa, Ricardo; Godinho, J.; Gusliyenko, Kostyantyn; Wunderlich, J. (Nature, 2020-10-29)
      Within linear continuum theory, no magnetic texture can propagate faster than the maximum group velocity of the spin waves. Here, by atomistic spin dynamics simulations and supported by analytical theory, we report that a ...
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      Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications 

      Pizzi, Giovanni; Vitale, Valerio; Nomura, Yusuke; Paulatto, Lorenzo; Ponce, Samuel; Arita, Ryotaro; Bluegel, Stefan; Freimuth, Frank; Géranton, Guillaume; Gibertini, Marco; Gresch, Dominik; Johnson, Charles; Koretsune, Takashi; Ibañez Azpiroz, Julen; Lee, Hyungjun; Lihm, Jae-Mo; Marchand, Daniel; Marrazzo, Antimo; Mokrousov, Yuriy; Mustafa, Jamal Ibrahim; Nohara, Yoshiro; Ponweiser, Thomas; Qiao, Junfeng; Thöle, Florian; Tsirkin, Stepan S.; Wierzbowska, Malgorzata; Marzari, Nicola; Vanderbilt, David; Souza, Ivo; Mostofi, Arash A.; Yates, Jonathan R. (IOP Science, 2020-04-17)
      Wannier90 is an open-source computer program for calculating maximally-localised Wannier functions (MLWFs) from a set of Bloch states. It is interfaced to many widely used electronic-structure codes thanks to its independence ...
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      Waste tyre valorization by catalytic pyrolysis – A review 

      Arabiourrutia Gallastegui, Miriam; López Zabalbeitia, Gartzen ORCID; Artetxe Uria, Maite; Álvarez Gordejuela, Jon; Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier; Olazar Aurrecoechea, Martin ORCID (Elsevier, 2020-06-05)
      [EN] The environmental concern associated with waste tyre disposal and the necessity of sustainable waste management policies has promoted the development of waste tyre valorization processes in the last decades. Within ...
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      Waste-to-energy risk perception typology: health, politics and environmental impacts 

      Subiza Pérez, Mikel; Zabala, Aiora; Groten, Daniel; Vozmediano Sanz, Laura; San Juan Guillen, César ORCID; Ibarluzea Maurolagoitia, Jesús María (Taylor & Francis, 2023)
      Where strategies to reduce and recycle urban solid waste are insufficient, waste incineration is proposed as second-best management. Waste-to-energy facilities often raise remarkable public controversy, which the ...
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      Watch out, Sweetie: The Impact of Gender and Offence Type on Parents’ Altruistic Fear of Crime 

      Vozmediano Sanz, Laura; San Juan Guillen, César ORCID; Vergara Iraeta, Ana Isabel; Alonso Alberca, Natalia (Springer, 2017-03-16)
      Altruistic fear of crime, that is, the fear that another person will become a victim of crime, is frequent and relevant, especially among parents for their children, but it has received much less attention than personal ...
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      Water Adsorption on the β-Dicalcium Silicate Surface from DFT Simulations 

      Wang, Qianqian; Manzano Moro, Hegoi ORCID; López Arbeloa, Iñigo María; Shen, Xiaodong (MDPI, 2018-09-04)
      beta-dicalcium silicate (beta-Ca2SiO4 or beta-C2S in cement chemistry notation) is one of the most important minerals in cement. An improvement of its hydration rate would be the key point for developing environmentally-friendly ...
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      Water diversion and pollution interactively shape freshwater food webs through bottom-up mechanisms 

      De Guzmán Martínez, Miren Ioar ORCID; Altieri, Paula; Elosegi Irurtia, Arturo ORCID; Pérez Calpe, Ana Victoria ORCID; Von Schiller Calle, Daniel Gaspar ORCID; González Vázquez, José Manuel; Brauns, Mario; Montoya Terán, José María; Larrañaga Arrizabalaga, Aitor (Wiley, 2022-02)
      [EN] Water diversion and pollution are two pervasive stressors in river ecosystems that often co-occur. Individual effects of both stressors on basal resources available to stream communities have been described, with ...
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      Water insecurity among seasonal agriculture workers: perspectives from Spanish professionals 

      Rodríguez Guerrero, Luis Alejandro; Pérez Urdiales, Iratxe ORCID; Escrig Piñol, Astrid; Jiménez Lasserrotte, María del Mar; Pastor Bravo, María del Mar; Briones Vozmediano, Erica (BMC, 2024-02-16)
      Background Migrant seasonal agricultural workers face conditions of material vulnerability such as inadequate housing difficulties prevent access to running water supplies. The purpose of this study is to explore the ...
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      Water Reuse Study from Urban WWTPs via c-Ultrafiltration and Ozonation Technologies: Basis for Resilient Cities and Agriculture 

      Ferreiro Santiso, Cristian ORCID; Villota Salazar, Natalia ORCID; De Luis Álvarez, Ana María ORCID; Lombraña Alonso, José Ignacio ORCID; Etxebarria Loizate, Nestor; Lomas Esteban, José María ORCID (MDPI, 2021-02-12)
      The water–development nexus is essential for the advancement and progress of cities in the face of problems such as climate change, water security and increasing environmental stress in the agricultural sector. Aiming for ...
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      Water Sculpts the Distinctive Shapes and Dynamics of the Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Tn Antigens: Implications for Their Molecular Recognition 

      Bermejo, Iris A.; Usabiaga Gutiérrez, Imanol; Compañón, Ismael; Castro-López, Jorge; Insausti Beiro, Aran; Fernández González, José Andrés ORCID; Avenoza, Alberto; Busto, Jesús H.; Jiménez Barbero, Jesús ORCID; Asensio, Juan L.; Peregrina, Jesús M.; Jiménez Oses, Gonzalo; Hurtado Guerrero, Ramón; Cocinero Pérez, Emilio José; Corzana, Francisco (ACS, 2018-07-13)
      The tumor-associated carbohydrate Tn antigens include two variants, αGalNAc-O-Thr and αGalNAc-O-Ser. In solution, they exhibit dissimilar shapes and dynamics and bind differently to the same protein receptor. Here, we ...
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      Water Uptake Behavior and Young Modulus Prediction of Composites Based on Treated Sisal Fibers and Poly(Lactic Acid) 

      Orue Mendizabal, Ander; Eceiza Mendiguren, María Aranzazu; Peña Rodríguez, Cristina; Arbelaiz Garmendia, Aitor (MDPI, 2016-05)
      The main aim of this work was to study the effect of sisal fiber surface treatments on water uptake behavior of composites based on untreated and treated fibers. For this purpose, sisal fibers were treated with different ...
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      Water-Based Suspensions of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Electrostatic or Steric Stabilization by Chitosan: Fabrication, Characterization and Biocompatibility 

      Kurlyandskaya, Galina V. ORCID; Litvinova, Larisa S.; Safronov, Alexander P. ORCID; Schupletsova, Valeria V.; Tyukova, Irina S.; Khaziakhmatova, Olga G.; Slepchenko, Galina B.; Yurova, Kristina A.; Cherempey, Elena G.; Kulesh, Nikita A.; Andrade Pocino, Ricardo; Beketov, Igor V.; Khlusov, Igor A. (MDPI, 2017-11-13)
      Present day biomedical applications, including magnetic biosensing, demand better understanding of the interactions between living systems and magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). In this work spherical MNPs of maghemite were ...
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      Waterborne Acrylate-Based Hybrid Coatings with Enhanced Resistance Properties on Stone Surfaces 

      Sbardella, Francesca; Pronti, Lucilla; Santarelli, Maria Laura; Asua González, José María; Bracciale, Maria Paola (MDPI, 2018-08)
      The application of coating polymers to building materials is a simple and cheap way to preserve and protect surfaces from weathering phenomena. Due to its environmentally friendly character, waterborne coating is the most ...
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      Waterborne hybrid polyurethane coatings containing Casein as sustainable green flame retardant through different synthesis approaches 

      Cobos Zamarreño, Mónica ORCID; Pagalday, E.; Puyadena Jauregi, Maddalen; Cabido, X.; Martín Alberdi, María Dolores; Mugica Iztueta, Miren Agurtzane; Irusta Maritxalar, María Lourdes; González Vives, Alba (Elsevier, 2023-01)
      Waterborne polyurethane (WPU) dispersions were prepared for flame retardant coatings. Specifically, alkoxysilane-capped polycaprolactone-based WPUs were synthesized employing the acetone process, and Casein, as a green and ...
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      We can work it out: an enactive look at cooperation 

      Fantasia, Valentina; De Jaegher, Hanneke ORCID; Fasulo, Alessandra (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2014-08-08)
      The past years have seen an increasing debate on cooperation and its unique human character. Philosophers and psychologists have proposed that cooperative activities are characterized by shared goals to which participants ...
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      We should not vaccinate the young to protect the old: a response to Giubilini, Savulescu, and Wilkinson. 

      De Miguel Beriain, Iñigo (Oxford University Press, 2021-05-19)
      A recent article by Giubilini, Savulescu, and Wilkinson1 exposes an ethical issue that deserves careful analysis: should we vaccinate children to save the old? The answer provided by the authors is ‘yes’ under the condition ...
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      Weak effect of trans-10, cis-12-conjugated linoleic acid on body fat accumulation in adult hamsters 

      Miranda Gómez, Jonatan ORCID; Churruca Ortega, Itziar ORCID; Fernández Quintela, Alfredo ORCID; Rodríguez Rivera, Víctor Manuel; Macarulla Arenaza, María Teresa ORCID; Simón Magro, Edurne ORCID; Portillo Baquedano, María Puy ORCID (Cambridge University Press, 2009-12-14)
      It has been proposed that young animals and subjects are more responsive to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than the adults. Nevertheless, there is very little information concerning the effectiveness of CLA in adult animals. ...
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      Weak or Strong Sustainability in Rural Land Use Planning? Assessing Two Case Studies through Multi-Criteria Analysis 

      Barinaga-Rementeria Zabaleta, Itziar ORCID; Etxano Gandariasbeitia, Iker ORCID (MDPI, 2020-03-19)
      This paper addresses the debate regarding weak versus strong sustainability in the field of rural land use planning. Both concepts correspond to opposing paradigms on sustainability and both their fundamentals of economic ...