Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      Short-term response of macroalgal communities to ocean warming in the Southern Bay of Biscay 

      Arriaga Telleria, Olatz; Wawrzynkowski, P.; Ibáñez Cantero, Héctor; Muguerza Latorre, Naiara; Díez San Vicente, Isabel ORCID; Pérez Ruzafa, María Isabel; Gorostiaga Garay, José María; Quintano Erraiz, Endika ORCID; Becerro, M. A. (Elsevier, 2023-09)
      Climate change is causing significant shifts in biological communities worldwide, including the degradation of marine communities. Previous research has predicted that southern Bay of Biscay canopy-forming subtidal macroalgal ...
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      The thermal journey of macroalgae: Four decades of temperature-induced changes in the southeastern Bay of Biscay 

      Arriaga Telleria, Olatz; Wawrzynkowski, P.; Muguerza Latorre, Naiara; Díez San Vicente, Isabel ORCID; Gorostiaga Garay, José María; Quintano Erraiz, Endika ORCID; Becerro, M. A. (Elsevier, 2024-03)
      Global warming is triggering significant shifts in temperate macroalgal communities worldwide, favoring small, warm-affinity species over large canopy-forming, cold-affinity species. The Cantabrian Sea, a region acutely ...
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      Thermal refugia reinforce macroalgal resilience against climate change in the southeastern Bay of Biscay 

      Arriaga Telleria, Olatz; Wawrzynkowski, P.; Muguerza Latorre, Naiara; Díez San Vicente, Isabel ORCID; González Amelibia, Julene; Gorostiaga Garay, José María; Quintano Erraiz, Endika ORCID; Becerro, M. A. (Wiley, 2024-08)
      Rising global temperatures present unprecedented challenges to marine ecosystems, demanding a profound understanding of their ecological dynamics for effective conservation strategies. Over a comprehensive macroalgal ...