Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      European Roma groups show complex West Eurasian admixture footprints and a common South Asian genetic origin 

      Font Porterias, Neus; Arauna, Lara R.; Poveda Zabala, Alaitz; Bianco, Erica; Rebato Ochoa, Esther Matilde; Prata, Maria Joao; Calafell, Francesc; Comas, David (Public Library Science, 2019-09-23)
      Author summary Human demographic processes and admixture events leave traceable footprints in the genomes of the populations and they can modulate the genetic architecture of complex diseases. Here, we aim to study the ...
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      The Unexpected Co-Occurrence of GRN and MAPT p.A152T in Basque Families: Clinical and Pathological Characteristics 

      Moreno Izco, Fermín; Indakoetxea Juanbeltz, Begoña; Barandiaran Amillano, Miryam; Caballero, María Cristina; Gorostidi, Ana; Calafell, Francesc; Gabilondo, Alazne; Tainta, Mikel; Zulaica, Miren; Martí Massó, José Félix ORCID; López de Munain Arregui, Adolfo José; Sánchez Juan, Pascual; Lee, Suzee E. (Public Library Science, 2017-06-08)
      Background The co-occurrence of the c.709-1G > A GRN mutation and the p.A152T MAPT variant has been identified in 18 Basque families affected by frontotemporal dementia (FTD). We aimed to investigate the influence of ...
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      Y-chromosome target enrichment reveals rapid expansion of haplogroup R1b-DF27 in Iberia during the Bronze Age transition. 

      García Fernández, Carla; Lizano, Esther; Telford, Marco; Olalde Marquínez, Iñigo ORCID; De Cid, Rafael; Larmuseau, Maarten H. D.; Martínez de Pancorbo Gómez, María de los Ángeles; Calafell, Francesc (Nature, 2022)
      The Y chromosome can yield a unique perspective into the study of human demographic history. However, due to the repetitive nature of part of its sequence, only a small set of regions are suitable for variant calling and ...