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      The nucleus does not significantly affect the migratory trajectories of amoeba in two-dimensional environments 

      Martínez de la Fuente Martínez, Ildefonso Abel; Bringas, Carlos; Malaina Celada, Iker ORCID; Regner, Benjamin; Pérez Samartín, Alberto Luis ORCID; Boyano López, María Dolores ORCID; Fedetz, María; López, Jose I.; Pérez-Yarza Pérez-Irezabal, Gorka ORCID; Cortés, Jesús M.; Sejnowski, Terrence (Springer Nature, 2019-11-08)
      For a wide range of cells, from bacteria to mammals, locomotion movements are a crucial systemic behavior for cellular life. Despite its importance in a plethora of fundamental physiological processes and human pathologies, ...