Now showing items 1-6 of 6

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      Cholesterol Constrains the Antigenic Configuration of the Membrane-Proximal Neutralizing HIV-1 Epitope 

      Torralba Iturbe, Johana ORCID; De la Arada Echevarría, Igor ORCID; Carravilla Palomanes, Pablo; Insausti González, Sara; Rujas Díez, Edurne; Largo Pereda, Eneko; Eggeling, Christian; Rodríguez Arrondo, José Luis; Apellaniz Unzalu, Beatriz ORCID; Nieva Escandón, José Luis (ACS, 2020-06-25)
      The envelope glycoprotein (Env) enables HIV-1 cell entry through fusion of host-cell and viral membranes induced by the transmembrane subunit gp41. Antibodies targeting the C-terminal sequence of the membrane-proximal ...
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      Conformational Plasticity Underlies Membrane Fusion Induced by an HIV Sequence Juxtaposed to the Lipid Envelope 

      De la Arada Echevarría, Igor ORCID; Torralba Iturbe, Johana ORCID; Tascón, Igor; Colom Diego, Adai; Ubarrechena Belandia, Iván ORCID; Rodríguez Arrondo, José Luis; Apellaniz Unzalu, Beatriz ORCID; Nieva Escandón, José Luis (Springer Nature, 2021-01-14)
      Envelope glycoproteins from genetically-divergent virus families comprise fusion peptides (FPs) that have been posited to insert and perturb the membranes of target cells upon activation of the virus-cell fusion reaction. ...
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      Exploring Polar Headgroup Interactions Between Sphingomyelin and Ceramide with Infrared Spectroscopy 

      De la Arada Echevarría, Igor ORCID; González Ramírez, Emilio José; Alonso Izquierdo, Alicia ORCID; Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID; Rodríguez Arrondo, José Luis (Nature, 2020-10-19)
      Ceramide is a major actor in the sphingolipid signaling pathway elicited by various kinds of cell stress. Under those conditions ceramide (Cer) is produced in the plasma membrane as a product of sphingomyelin (SM) hydrolysis, ...
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      Human LDL Structural Diversity Studied by IR Spectroscopy 

      Fernández Higuero, José Ángel; Salvador, Ana M.; Martín Plágaro, César Augusto; González Milicua, José Carlos; Rodríguez Arrondo, José Luis (Public Library Science, 2014-03-18)
      Lipoproteins are responsible for cholesterol traffic in humans. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) delivers cholesterol from liver to peripheral tissues. A misleading delivery can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. ...
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      Phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain of histone H1: effects on secondary structure and DNA condensation 

      Roque, Alicia; Ponte, Inma; Rodríguez Arrondo, José Luis; Suau, Pedro (Oxford University Press, 2008-08)
      Linker histone H1 plays an important role in chromatin folding. Phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinases is the main post-translational modification of histone H1. We studied the effects of phosphorylation on the secondary ...
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      The Binding of Aβ42 Peptide Monomers to Sphingomyelin/Cholesterol/Ganglioside Bilayers Assayed by Density Gradient Ultracentrifugation 

      Ahyayauch, Hasna; De la Arada Echevarría, Igor ORCID; Masserini, Massimo E.; Rodríguez Arrondo, José Luis; Goñi Urcelay, Félix María ORCID; Alonso Izquierdo, Alicia ORCID (MDPI, 2020-02-29)
      The binding of Aβ42 peptide monomers to sphingomyelin/cholesterol (1:1 mol ratio) bilayers containing 5 mol% gangliosides (either GM1, or GT1b, or a mixture of brain gangliosides) has been assayed by density gradient ...