Now showing items 1-2 of 2

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      Octopus, a computational framework for exploring light-driven phenomena and quantum dynamics in extended and finite system 

      Tancogne Dejean, Nicolas; Oliveira, Micael J. T.; Andrade, Xavier; Appel, Heiko; Borca, Carlos H.; Le Breton, Guillaume; Buchholz, Florian; Castro, Alberto; Corni, Stefano; Correa, Alfredo A.; De Giovannini, Umberto; Delgado, Alain; Eich, Florian G.; Flick, Johannes; Gil, Gabriel; Gómez, Adrián; Helbig, Nicole; Hübener, Hannes; Jestädt, René; Jornet Somoza, Joaquim; Larsen, Ask H.; Lebedeva, Irina V.; Lüders, Martin; Lopes Marques, Miguel A.; Ohlmann, Sebastian T.; Pipolo, Silvio; Rampp, Markus; Rozzi, Carlo A.; Strubbe, David A.; Sato, Shunsuke A.; Schäfer, Christian; Theophilou, Iris; Welden, Alicia; Rubio Secades, Angel (American Institute of Physics, 2020)
      Over the last few years, extraordinary advances in experimental and theoretical tools have allowed us to monitor and control matter at short time and atomic scales with a high degree of precision. An appealing and challenging ...
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      Orbital magneto-optical response of periodic insulators from first principles 

      Lebedeva, Irina V.; Strubbe, David A.; Tokatly, Ilya; Rubio Secades, Angel (Springer, 2019-03-06)
      Magneto-optical response, i.e. optical response in the presence of a magnetic field, is commonly used for characterization of materials and in optical communications. However, quantum mechanical description of electric and ...