Now showing items 1-5 of 5

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      Bats Actively Track and Prey on Grape Pest Populations 

      Baroja Ibañez de Maeztu, Unai; Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID; Vallejo López, Nerea; Aiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID; Rebelo, Hugo; Goiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID (Elsevier, 2021-07)
      There is growing evidence about the role of insectivorous bats against agricultural pests in various crops. Nevertheless, little research addressed the aggregational and functional responses of bat assemblages to changes ...
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      Gaining ecological insight on dietary allocation among horseshoe bats through molecular primer combination 

      Aldasoro Lecea, Miren; Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID; Vallejo López, Nerea; Baroja Ibañez de Maeztu, Unai; Arrizabalaga Escudero, Aitor; Goiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID; Aiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID (Public Library of Science, 2019-07-24)
      Knowledge on the trophic interactions among predators and their prey is important in order to understand ecology and behaviour of animals. Traditionally studies on the diet composition of insectivorous bats have been based ...
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      Molecular assays to reliably detect and quantify predation on a forest pest in bats faeces 

      Baroja Ibañez de Maeztu, Unai; Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID; Vallejo López, Nerea; Caro Aramendia, Amaia ORCID; Ibáñez, Carlos; Basso, Andrea; Goiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID (Nature Research, 2022)
      [EN] Targeted molecular methods such as conventional PCR (cPCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR), combined with species-specific primers and probes, are widely applied for pest species detection. Besides, the potential of qPCR ...
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      Pest consumption in a vineyard system by the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) 

      Baroja Ibañez de Maeztu, Unai; Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID; Arrizabalaga Escudero, Aitor; Vallejo López, Nerea; Aiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID; Goiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID; Aldasoro Lecea, Miren (Public Library of Science, 2019-07-18)
      Herbivorous arthropods cause immense damage in crop production annually. Consumption of these pests by insectivorous animals is of significant importance to counteract their adverse effects. Insectivorous bats are considered ...
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      Seasonal shift in the diet of the notched-eared bat (Myotis emarginatus) in the Basque Country: from flies to spiders 

      Vallejo López, Nerea; Aiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID; Olasagasti Hosteins, Lander; Aldasoro Lecea, Miren; Goiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID; Garín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID (Springer Nature, 2023)
      Myotis emarginatus seems fond of spiders and flies, a unique feeding style among European bats. The importance of each prey type varies among studies, so this paper aims to expand on the knowledge to unveil the trophic ...