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dc.contributor.authorLezaun Valdubieco, Juan
dc.contributor.authorFerreiro Ardións, Manuel ORCID
dc.identifier.citationHíades, Revista de Historia de la Enfermería (11) : 565-580 (2015)es_ES
dc.description.abstract[ES] El uso de alternativas a la leche materna, esencialmente con leches de origen animal, ha formado parte del acervo popular y se ha usado históricamente con, en general, un mal resultado en cuanto a la supervivencia; de ahí que haya sido una alternativa utilizada in extremis ante la imposibilidad del uso de nodrizas y sobre la que pesaba la creencia de que a través de ella se transmitían cualidades del animal de la que provenía, puesto que la lactancia era percibida no sólo como un elemento nutricional sino como un vehículo de transmisión de valores morales. Por ello, las leches animales que la ciencia había logrado manipular a finales del XIX debieron superar la creencia de ser portadoras de una animalidad intrínseca.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] Church And Artificial Lactation In The XVIIIth And Xixth Centuries: From The Animality To The Moral Regeneration. The use of alternatives to the maternal milk, essentially with milk of animal origin, has been part of the popular undivided assets and has been used historically with, in general, an evil proved as for the survival; hence an used alternative has been an in extremis befote the impossibility of the wetnurses’ use and on the one that was weighing the credence of which across her qualities of the animal were transmitted from that it was coming, since the lactation was perceived not only as a nutricional element but as a vehicle of transmission of moral values. For it, the animal milk that the science had managed to manipulate at the end of the XIXTH should have overcome the credence of being bearers of an intrinsic animality.es_ES
dc.publisherQalat Chábir. A.C.es_ES
dc.subjectlactancia animales_ES
dc.subjectsiglo XVIIIes_ES
dc.titleIglesia y lactancia artificial en los siglos XVIII y XIX: de la animalidad al regeneracionismo morales_ES
dc.title.alternativeChurch and artificial breastfeeding in the 18th and 19th centuries: from Animality to Moral Regenerationismes_ES
dc.rights.holder© Qalat Chábir. A.C. / © el autores_ES

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