Now showing items 203-222 of 365

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      -(k)i eta -ra 

      Fernández Fernández, Beatriz (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012)
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      -"(K)i" hiztegian, eta hiztegiaz harantzago 

      Fernández Fernández, Beatriz (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2013)
      A morpheme -(k)i invariably precedes dative clitics in Basque verbal inflection. This morpheme has been analyzed as an applicative marker (Elordieta 2001, Fernández 2012, 2014b among others). In this paper, I will revisit ...
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      Kalkoen tipologia eta eragina gaurko euskarazko neologian 

      Alberdi Larizgoitia, Xabier ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2009)
      In this work the concept of calque is defined and a clear conceptual difference between the terms calque, loan and interference is established. A typology is then offered in which the following categories are proposed: ...
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      Klotildaren miraria Klobis pastoralean 

      Loidi Garitano, Ane (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2009)
      In this work, we present a small sample of the Soule Pastoral. We give two texts that narrate the same fragment of the work Klobis, taken from the XVIIIh and the XIXth century manuscripts. The strophes we have chosen decribe ...
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      Komunztadurarik gabeko datiboen gakoez 

      Fernández Fernández, Beatriz; Ortiz de Urbina, Jon; Landa, Josu (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2009)
      This paper analyzes some of the factors accounting for dative agreement drop in 19th and 20th century Lapurdian writers. Following Fernández and Landa (2009), a distinction is made between cases where dative agreement is ...
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      La aspiración de origen nasal en la evolución fonológica del euskera: un caso de rhinoglottophilia 

      Igartua Ugarte, Iván (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2008)
      From a typological perspective, the diachronic correspondence -n- ' -h- is perhaps the most marked development in the phonological history of the Basque language. The examples of such a process of sound change are extremely ...
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      La balada "Urthubiako alhaba": problemas y conjeturas 

      Cid Martínez, Jesús Antonio (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2008)
      The oral ballad Urthubiako Alhaba was published by Julien Vinson in 1884, from an original manuscript. The text, which could date back to a c. 1830 recitation, was considered unauthentic by Vinson, an opinion that has ...
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      La curiosa historia de una palabra fantasma: "çainana" 

      Zulaika Hernández, Josu M. (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2008)
      At the beginning of the 18th century, printed Basque lexicographic compilations were scarce. That state of affairs made Fréret create his own Vocabulaire Basque (ca. 1714) by comparing the basque translation of the New ...
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      La expresión del sujeto en el español de Nueva York: el factor de la perseverancia 

      Flores Ferrán, Nydia (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2004)
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      La influencia de la biografía de Joseba Sarrionandia en la recepción crítica de su obra 

      Rodríguez Martín, Eider (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012)
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      La lengua del hierro. Nexos medievales entre Álava y la Demanda 

      Peterson, David (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      In the early medieval documentation that refers to the Upper Ebro valley we encounter an abundance of references to both iron and smiths, but silence with regard to furnaces or forges. This leads us to a series of ...
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      La lengua vasca en la Península entre Antigüedad y Edad Media. Observaciones a la "communis opinio" 

      Múgica, Matías (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      The author argues, developing an idea proposed by French phoneticist Henri Gavel in the fifties, that the examination of the clearly Latin ancient toponymy of Upper Navarre suggests that the linguistic stratification usually ...
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      La red vascológica de Schuchardt 

      Hurch, Bernhard (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      Among the founding factors for modernism in philology/linguistics, there were two important medial innovations as a consequence of industrialization: new printing technologies and the installation of a general mail system. ...
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      La relación entre los manuscritos 10 202 y 10 203 de la BNE, del "Árbol de las batallas" 

      Pascual, José A. (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      The relationship between two manuscripts from the National Library of Spain which include the translation that Antón Zorita did by commission from the first Marquis of Santillana is examined. There are clear evidences that ...
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      La réception des contes basques au fil du temps 

      Zaïka, Natalia M. (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011)
      Dans notre article, nous étudions l'evolution dans la réception du conte basque au XIXème et au XXème siècles. A la fin du XIXème siècle, beaucoup de chercheurs travaillent sur le folklore basque et européen revendiquent ...
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      La singularidad cultural del área pirenaico-occidental: dinámicas y persistencias entre la Edad del Hierro y la Época romana 

      Hiriart, Eneko; Callegarin, Laurent; Gardes, Philippe; Réchin, François (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      Tratar el espacio cultural vasco-aquitano durante la Antigüedad requiere una gran humildad. Afortunadamente, la inmensa obra investigadora de Joaquín Gorrochategui ha abierto nuevas vías para ampliar nuestro conocimiento ...
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      *[+ labial, + palatalized] 

      Hock, Hans Henrich (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2006)
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      Landucciren hiztegiko bosgarren eskua 

      Babiano López de Sabando, Mikel ORCID; Basterrika Cereceda, Iker ORCID; Echeverria Gallastigui, Iker; Galarraga Zuazu, Ageda (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2013)
      Lan hau Landucciren hiztegiaren kanpo historia finkatzeko hasi berri dugun ikerketaren lehen emaitza da. Bi helburu nagusi izan ditugu: eskuizkribuak Liburutegi Nazionalera heldu bitartean egin zuen bidea argitzea eta azken ...
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      Laryngeals and prosody in Panoan 

      González, Carolina (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012)
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      Le problème de fidélité au texte folklorique et les contes traditionnels dans les recueils de Barbier et d'Azkue 

      Zaïka, Natalia M. (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2010)
      The present article attempts to analyse the methods that were used in the transcription of the fairy-tales, as well as their accuracy, the research being based on some texts collected in the 19th and 20th centuries. I ...