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dc.contributor.authorBaroja Ibañez de Maeztu, Unai
dc.contributor.authorGarín Atorrasagasti, Ignacio ORCID
dc.contributor.authorVallejo López, Nerea
dc.contributor.authorAiartza Azurtza, José Ramón ORCID
dc.contributor.authorRebelo, Hugo
dc.contributor.authorGoiti Ugarte, Urtzi ORCID
dc.identifier.citationEcological Indicators 126 : (2021) // Araticle ID 107718es_ES
dc.description.abstractThere is growing evidence about the role of insectivorous bats against agricultural pests in various crops. Nevertheless, little research addressed the aggregational and functional responses of bat assemblages to changes in pest availability across a spatio-temporal scale. Therefore, we examined the activity and diet habits of different bat species using DNA metabarcoding by simultaneously monitoring the relative abundance of two major pests (the European grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana, and the leaf rolling tortrix, Sparganothis pilleriana) through the grape growing season, in a vineyard region of the Iberian Peninsula. During pest major irruptions, we found the highest bat activity levels and frequencies of grape pests in the diet of bats, although not all bat species contributed equally to pest suppression. Bats of different foraging guilds positively responded to pest abundances, indicating distinct bat species may synergistically play a role at suppressing agricultural pests at broad scales of the aerospace. For instance, narrow space foragers exploiting major irruptions in grape interior, edge space foragers hampering pest dispersion at local scale, and open space foragers preventing infestations of new grapevine patches at broader scales. Yet, our study exposed the current methodological constraints regarding pest dispersion dynamics, acoustic monitoring of bats? foraging activity or the unfeasibility of metabarcoding to reliably quantify prey abundance in bats diet, and thus further improvement in these issues is required in order to gain insight on the agroecological interactions between bats and pests.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipWe are grateful to owners of the winery cellars (Artadi, Berarte, Laukote, Puelles, Ramon Saenz, Granja Nuestra Senora de Remelluri and R. Lopez de Heredia Vina Tondonia) for facilitating the collection of faeces and for allowing us to conduct the experiments on their estates. We also thank Ana Maria Diez Navajas and NEIKER-Tecnalia workers for sending data on the phenology of L. botrana during the sampling period. Special gratitude to Gonzalo Garcia Baquero for his valuable help with statistical analysis and Vanessa A. Mata for her priceless advice on modeling and the Sequencing and Genotyping Unit-Genomic Facilities-SGIker (UPV/EHU/ERDF, EU) for the technical support provided. This project was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (CGL-2015-69069P), as well as the Government of the Basque Country (IT75413 and IT1163-19). The Basque Government granted UB (PRE_2019_2_0186).es_ES
dc.subjectgrape pestses_ES
dc.subjectaggregational responsees_ES
dc.subjectfunctional responsees_ES
dc.subjectfunctional responsees_ES
dc.subjectecosystem serviceses_ES
dc.subjectforaging guildses_ES
dc.subjectmoth lobesia-botranaes_ES
dc.subjectyield loss quantificationes_ES
dc.subjecteconomic injury leveles_ES
dc.subjectemergence phenologyes_ES
dc.subjectschiff. lepidopteraes_ES
dc.subjectforaging behaviores_ES
dc.titleBats Actively Track and Prey on Grape Pest Populationses_ES
dc.rights.holderThis article is available under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND licensees_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España*
dc.departamentoesZoología y biología celular animales_ES
dc.departamentoeuZoologia eta animalia zelulen biologiaes_ES

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