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dc.contributor.authorOtamendi Irizar, Irati ORCID
dc.contributor.authorGrijalba Aseguinolaza, Olatz ORCID
dc.contributor.authorArias Royo, Alba Juncal ORCID
dc.contributor.authorPennese, Claudia ORCID
dc.contributor.authorHernández Minguillón, Rufino Javier ORCID
dc.identifier.citationSustainability 13(11) : (2021) // Article ID 6059es_ES
dc.description.abstractCities are the main contributors to pollution, resource consumption and social inequalities. Therefore, they should play a key role in the path towards a more sustainable scenario in line with SDGs and different Urban Agendas. However, there are still difficulties in their implementation and citizen can play a central role. This paper presents the Urban Action Structures (UAS), understood as entities with a catalytic capacity with respect to innovative urban policies. Methodologically, firstly, a prospective analysis from regional to international level has been developed, making it possible to identify innovative lines of action in the field of sustainable cities. Secondly, the study has focused on identifying and studying UAS that can make it possible to implement the lines of action previously identified. This paper has shown that there are already social structures that can be understood as UAS, since they implement actions aligned with the priorities of the Urban Agenda for the Basque Country and, therefore, of the SDGs. The research concludes that UAS can play a key role in facilitating the implementation of Urban Agendas. Hence, urban policies should favor the generation of UAS, in order to promote long-term urban development and to foster a more sustainable spatial planning.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was funded by the Directorate of territorial planning and urban agenda of the department of territorial planning, housing and transport of the Basque government as part of the financing for CISO30 project, “Action plan for the promotion and implementation of the PCTI Euskadi 2020–2030 in the field of sustainable cities”.es_ES
dc.subjectUrban Action Structures (UAS)es_ES
dc.subjecturban policieses_ES
dc.subjectSustainable Development Goals (SDG)es_ES
dc.subjecturban agendases_ES
dc.subjectCommunity-Based Development (CBD)es_ES
dc.titleEffective Implementation of Urban Agendas through Urban Action Structures (UAS): The Case of the Basque Countryes_ES
dc.rights.holder2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (

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2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (