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dc.contributor.authorUgarte Anero, Ainara
dc.contributor.authorFernández Gámiz, Unai
dc.contributor.authorAramendia Iradi, Iñigo
dc.contributor.authorZulueta Guerrero, Ekaitz
dc.contributor.authorLópez Guede, José Manuel ORCID
dc.identifier.citationMathematics 9(13) : (2021) // Article ID 1582es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe protection provided by wearing masks has been a guideline worldwide to prevent the risk of COVID-19 infection. The current work presents an investigation that analyzes the effectiveness of face shields as personal protective equipment. To that end, a multiphase computational fluid dynamic study based on Eulerian–Lagrangian techniques was defined to simulate the spread of the droplets produced by a sneeze. Different scenarios were evaluated where the relative humidity, ambient temperature, evaporation, mass transfer, break up, and turbulent dispersion were taken into account. The saliva that the human body generates was modeled as a saline solution of 8.8 g per 100 mL. In addition, the influence of the wind speed was studied with a soft breeze of 7 km/h and a moderate wind of 14 km/h. The results indicate that the face shield does not provide accurate protection, because only the person who is sneezed on is protected. Moreover, with a wind of 14 km/h, none of the droplets exhaled into the environment hit the face shield, instead, they were deposited onto the neck and face of the wearer. In the presence of an airflow, the droplets exhaled into the environment exceeded the safe distance marked by the WHO. Relative humidity and ambient temperature play an important role in the lifetime of the droplets.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors were supported by the government of the Basque Country through research grants ELKARTEK 20/71 and ELKARTEK 20/78.es_ES
dc.subjectCOVID-19 protectiones_ES
dc.subjectface shieldes_ES
dc.subjectdroplet evaporationes_ES
dc.subjectrelative humidityes_ES
dc.subjectenvironment temperaturees_ES
dc.subjectcomputational fluid dynamics (CFD)es_ES
dc.titleNumerical Modeling of Face Shield Protection against a Sneezees_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
dc.departamentoesIngeniería nuclear y mecánica de fluidos
dc.departamentoesIngeniería de sistemas y automática
dc.departamentoeuIngeniaritza nuklearra eta jariakinen mekanika
dc.departamentoeuSistemen ingeniaritza eta automatika

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Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (