Heimatverlust und Kinderperspektive am Beispiel von Annelies Schwarz
Iztueta Goizueta, Garbiñe
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Heimat als Chance und Herausforderung: Repräsentationen der verlorenen Heimat : 259-273 (2014)
This chapter offers an analysis of the literary configuration of Heimat in Annelies Schwarz’s Die Grenze, ich habe sie gespürt (1984) and Wir werden uns wiedersehen (1981). The trauma of losing home presented from the perspective of a girl in a deported family from Bohemia and the process the constructing a new Heimat in Germany are represented in both works as physical and inner displacements, where younger generations succeed in their endeavor to reconstruct both material and inner spaces of Heimat, while older generations innerly remain in the lost Heimat.