Numerical modeling of a sneeze, a cough and a continuum speech inside a hospital lift
Chillón, Sergio
Fernández Gámiz, Unai
Zulueta Guerrero, Ekaitz
Ugarte Anero, Ainara
Urbina García, Oskar
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Heliyon 9(2) : (2023) // Article ID e13370
The global COVID-19 and its variants put us on notice of the importance of studying the spread of respiratory diseases. The most common means of propagation was the emission of droplets due to different respiration activities. This study modeled by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques a high risk scenario like a hospital elevator. The cabin was provided with an extraction fan and a rack for air renewal. Inside, a sneeze, a cough and a continuum speech were simulated. Inside the lift, two occupants were introduced to observe the risk of propagation of emitted droplets and the impact in diseases spreading risk. The fan effectivity over the droplets ejection was analyzed, as well as environmental condition of a clinical setting. For this purpose the amount of droplets inside were counted during whole time of simulations. The effect of the fan was concluded as able to eject the 60% of small droplets, but also a high performance in spreading particles inside. Among the three cases, the riskiest scenario was the continuum speech due to the saturation of droplets in airborne.