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dc.contributor.authorLarrieta Rubín de Celis, Izaskun ORCID
dc.contributor.authorVelasco Balmaseda, Eva ORCID
dc.contributor.authorFernández de Bobadilla Guemez, Sara ORCID
dc.contributor.authorAlonso Almeida, María del Mar
dc.contributor.authorIntxaurburu Clemente, Miren Gurutze
dc.identifier.citationBusiness Ethics: A European Review 24(1) : 91-110 (2015)es_ES
dc.description.abstractThere is increasing interest in determining what impact having women in management positions may have on corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Various authors suggest that gender equality practices should be factored into the broader framework of CSR. This paper examines how the presence of women on corporate boards, in top and middle management and as heads of CSR departments, influences gender equality practices in the field of CSR. Using information collected from companies that have signed up to Women's Empowerment Principles in Spain, we show that the presence of women in the aforesaid posts has a positive impact on CSR activities with gender equality objectives. We thus supplement the justice, business and moral arguments with further arguments in support of the incorporation of women into not only corporate boards but all management positions. Finally, we provide a view of how gender equality can be included in the broader framework of CSR.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was funded by the Ministry of Equality of Spain, Exp.:175/09. The authors would like to thank the managers of the companies who participated in this project. Their kind gesture in sharing their time and effort is greatly appreciated.es_ES
dc.subjectwomen managerses_ES
dc.subjectCSR manageres_ES
dc.subjectCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR)es_ES
dc.subjectgender equalityes_ES
dc.subjectGendered Social Responsibilityes_ES
dc.titleDoes having women managers lead to increased gender equality practices in corporate social responsibility?es_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltdes_ES
dc.departamentoesOrganización de empresases_ES
dc.departamentoeuEnpresen antolakuntzaes_ES

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