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dc.contributor.authorIrazu Ibáñez, Ainhoa
dc.contributor.authorArnoso Martínez, Maitane
dc.contributor.authorMazkiaran López de Goikoetxea, Mikel
dc.contributor.authorArnoso Martínez, Ainara
dc.identifier.citationUztaro (78) : 77-101 (2011)es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EU]Indarkeria matxistari buruzko estatistiketan andre etorkinek duten gehiegizko presentziak, gutxituz doan dinamika izatetik urrun, goraka doan jarrera dirudi EAEn. 2009an, antropologia, soziologia eta psikologiaren arlotik zuzendutako ikerketa egin genuen. 20 elkarrizketa egin genituen bortizkeriaren biktimekin eta esparru horretan lanean diharduten profesionalekin, emakume horiek oldartzaileen ikusmiraren erdi-erdian jartzen dituzten arriskufaktore estrukturalak azaleratzeko xedez. Baita baliabide soziosanitario, juridiko eta polizialetan kolektibo horretan izandako jarduera ebaluatzeko ere. Emaitzetatik hauxe ondorioztatu dugu: andreen egoera administratiboak (bereziki bikotekidearenganako mendekotasuna eta irregulartasun-egoera), sare sozial eskasak eta lanean txertatzeko eta gizarteratzerako aurkitzen dituzten gorabeherek (batez ere etxebizitzarekin eta oinarrizko prestazio sozialak eskuratzearekin lotutakoak) zaildu egiten diete indarkeria-katetik ateratzea.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN]In 2009, as part of a research with the approach from anthropology, sociology and psychology sciences, more than 20 interviews were done to gender violence victims immigrant women and to professionals working in the field, with the aim of giving visibility to the structural factors that make immigrant women especially vulnerable to the male chauvinism and evaluating the functioning of how do work the social, sanitary, legal and police resources in their intervention with this group. From the results of the research, it was identified that, the administrative situation of immigrant women, especially of those whose administrative status depends on their husbands and of those who are in an irregular situation, the precariousness of these women’s social networks women, their difficulties for social integration, insertion in the labour market, access to housing and basic social benefits, seem to be factors that impede these women from extricating themselves from cycles of violence cycles.es_ES
dc.subjectandre etorkinaes_ES
dc.subjectgenero indarkeriaes_ES
dc.subjectbabes sozialaes_ES
dc.subjectimmigrant womanes_ES
dc.subjectgender violencees_ES
dc.subjectsocial protectiones_ES
dc.titleEmakume etorkina eta generoindarkeria EAEko testuinguruan: arrisku-faktoreak eta babes sozialaes_ES
dc.title.alternativeImmgrant woman and gender violence in Basque Country: gactors of vulnerability and social protectiones_ES
dc.rights.holder(c) 2011 Uztaro Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Españaes_ES
dc.departamentoesPsicología Sociales_ES
dc.departamentoeuGizarte Psikologiaes_ES

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(c) 2011 Uztaro Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as (c) 2011 Uztaro Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España