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dc.contributor.authorCalvo Iraeta, Ibai
dc.contributor.authorMontilla López, Alejandro ORCID
dc.contributor.authorHuergo Baños, Cristina
dc.contributor.authorMartín Saiz, Lucía
dc.contributor.authorMartín Allende, Javier
dc.contributor.authorTepavcevic, Vanja
dc.contributor.authorDomercq García, María ORCID
dc.contributor.authorFernández González, José Andrés ORCID
dc.identifier.citationAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 416 : 1923-1933 (2024)es_ES
dc.description.abstractInflammation is a complex process that accompanies many pathologies. Actually, dysregulation of the inflammatory process is behind many autoimmune diseases. Thus, treatment of such pathologies may benefit from in-depth knowledge of the metabolic changes associated with inflammation. Here, we developed a strategy to characterize the lipid fingerprint of inflammation in a mouse model of spinal cord injury. Using lipid imaging mass spectrometry (LIMS), we scanned spinal cord sections from nine animals injected with lysophosphatidylcholine, a chemical model of demyelination. The lesions were demonstrated to be highly heterogeneous, and therefore, comparison with immunofluorescence experiments carried out in the same section scanned by LIMS was required to accurately identify the morphology of the lesion. Following this protocol, three main areas were defined: the lesion core, the peri-lesion, which is the front of the lesion and is rich in infiltrating cells, and the uninvolved tissue. Segmentation of the LIMS experiments allowed us to isolate the lipid fingerprint of each area in a precise way, as demonstrated by the analysis using classification models. A clear difference in lipid signature was observed between the lesion front and the epicentre, where the damage was maximized. This study is a first step to unravel the changes in the lipidome associated with inflammation in the context of diverse pathologies, such as multiple sclerosis.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This project was supported by grants from the Basque Government (IT1491-22, IT1551-22) and from MCIN/AEI/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” (PID2019-109724RB-I00, PID2021-127918NB-I00 and PID2022-1382760B-100). IC and AM thank the Basque Government and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science for their predoctoral fellowships. The authors acknowledge the technical support and mass spectrometry resources provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU) as well as the microscope facilities provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU) and the Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience.es_ES
dc.publisherSpringer Naturees_ES
dc.subjectimaging mass spectrometryes_ES
dc.titleCombining imaging mass spectrometry and immunohistochemistry to analyse the lipidome of spinal cord inflammationes_ES
dc.rights.holder© The Author(s) 2024. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit
dc.rights.holderAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.departamentoesLenguajes y sistemas informáticoses_ES
dc.departamentoesQuímica físicaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuHizkuntza eta sistema informatikoakes_ES
dc.departamentoeuKimika fisikoaes_ES

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