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dc.contributor.authorGranweiler, Jessica
dc.contributor.authorCristóbal Azkarate, Jurgi
dc.contributor.authorMorton, Nathan
dc.contributor.authorPalme, Rupert
dc.contributor.authorShultz, Susanne
dc.identifier.citationHormones and Behavior 161 : (2024) // Article ID 105526es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn seasonal environments, maintaining a constant body temperature poses challenges for endotherms. Cold winters at high latitudes, with limited food availability, create opposing demands on metabolism: upregulation preserves body temperature but depletes energy reserves. Examining endocrine profiles, such as thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3) and glucocorticoids (GCs), proxies for changes in metabolic rate and acute stressors, offer insights into physiological trade-offs. We evaluated how environmental conditions and gestation impact on faecal hormone metabolites (fT3Ms and fGCMs) from late winter to spring in a free-living population of Carneddau ponies. Faecal T3Ms were highest in late February and March, when temperatures were lowest. Then, fT3Ms concentrations decreased throughout April and were at the lowest in May before increasing towards the end of the study. The decline in fT3M levels in April and May was associated with warmer weather but poor food availability, diet diversity and diet composition. On the other hand, fGCM levels did not display a clear temporal pattern but were associated with reproductive status, where pregnant and lactating females had higher fGCM levels as compared to adult males and non-reproductive females. The temporal profile of fT3Ms levels highlights metabolic trade-offs in a changing environment. In contrast, the ephemeral but synchronous increase in fGCM concentrations across the population suggest a shared experience of acute stressors (i.e., weather, disturbance or social). This multi-biomarker approach can evaluate the role of acute stressors versus energy budgets in the context of interventions, reproduction, seasonality and environmental change, or across multiple scales from individuals to populations.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipWe would like to thank the Carneddau pony society and specifically Gareth Wyn Jones for their support and guidance during data collection. We are also grateful to The University of Manchester for supporting this work in the context of Jessica Granweiler's MPhil thesis, and to the lab technicians that permitted data analyses. The sequencing was performed by Christopher Boothman, senior technical specialist at the University of Manchester. The fGCM EIAs was guided and supervised by Sabine Macho-Maschler, within Rupert Palme's lab. This project was supported by a URF awarded to Susanne Shultz (UF110641).es_ES
dc.subjectfaecal biomarkeres_ES
dc.subjectdiet shiftes_ES
dc.titleThe paradox of spring: Thyroid and glucocorticoid responses to cold temperatures and food availability in free living Carneddau ponieses_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
dc.rights.holderAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.departamentoesProcesos psicológicos básicos y su desarrolloes_ES
dc.departamentoeuOinarrizko psikologia prozesuak eta haien garapenaes_ES

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