Two time-varying Beverton–Holt models are investigated in which the population of the same species evolves jointly in two
coupled habitats which can be subject to population exchanges. Both habitats can have diferent parameterizations concerning
their intrinsic growth rates and their environment carrying capacities due to diferent environmental conditions. Mutual fuxes of
populations in-between both habitats are possible together with harvesting actions. In one of the models harvesting acts on
juvenile individuals. In the other proposed model, harvesting takes place on the adult populations after the reproduction cycle they
have performed has ended. Te second investigated model, contrarily to the frst one, relies on an “a posteriori” harvesting action
to the reproductive stage which is able to modify the stocks of population. Te considered harvesting can also be negative to
describe repopulation actions. Te equilibrium points in steady-state and their stability properties as well as the extinction
conditions and the boundedness, oscillation issues, and positivity of the solutions are also investigated.