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dc.contributor.authorGhasemy, Majid
dc.contributor.authorDerahvasht, Ali
dc.contributor.authorCastillo Apraiz, Julen
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Applied Research in Higher Education 14(2) : 728-748 (2022)es_ES
dc.description.abstractPurpose–This study,drawing upon affective events theory(AET),examines the relationships between work environment features, work events, affective states and attitudes in the Malaysian academic environment. Specifically, the authors examine the impact of supervisory support and welfare on role conflict, the impact of role conflict on affective states and the impact of affective states on job satisfaction using data collected from the international faculty. Design/methodology/approach– The authors collected data from 152 respondents through an online platform, and given this study’s causal predictive-explanatory nature, the authors apply partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) for data analysis. In addition, the authors complement their analysis by examining the nonlinear effects within the model as a robustness check. Findings– From an explanatory perspective, the authors find support for all the hypotheses, implying the applicability of AET in academic contexts. Regarding the predictive perspective, the authors’ model exhibits a high out-of-sample predictive power. Importantly, the robustness check provides additional support for their model. Practical implications– Given that the international faculty comes from different countries, the authors’ findings suggest that university managers should formulate and implement policies, which encourage and celebrate cultural diversity to increase the international faculty’s job satisfaction. Additionally, policies that improve the process of job designs and descriptions need amendments in a way that reduces the role conflict faced by the multicultural faculty which, in turn, leads to negative affect and ultimately to job dissatisfaction. Originality/value– This article is one of the first research studies focusing on the verification of AET in the context of international higher education. The authors apply the recent evaluative guidelines for a solid and rigorous PLS-SEM analysis and prove that the wandering scholars’ emotions matter in achieving desirable organizational outcomes in cross-cultural institutions of higher learning.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research was supported by the grant FRGS/1/2019/SS05/USM/02/5 from the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia to Majid Ghasemyes_ES
dc.subjectAffective stateses_ES
dc.subjectJob satisfactiones_ES
dc.subjectWandering scholarses_ES
dc.subjectMalaysian higher educationes_ES
dc.titleAntecedents and consequences of wandering scholars’ affect: the case of multi-cultural Malaysia in the internationalization eraes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2022 Emerald Publishing Limitedes_ES
dc.departamentoesEconomía financiera IIes_ES
dc.departamentoeuFinantza ekonomia IIes_ES

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