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dc.contributor.authorKarami-Mollaee, Ali
dc.contributor.authorBarambones, Oscar ORCID
dc.identifier.citationMathematics 12(14) : (2024) // Article ID 2246es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe captured energy of a wind turbine (WT) can be converted into electricity by a generator. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of this system, both the structures of WTs and generators should be considered for control. But the present challenge is WT uncertainty, while the input signals to the generator should be smooth. In this paper, a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is considered. The dynamics of the PMSG can be described using two axes, named d-q reference frameworks, with an input in each framework direction. To obtain the maximum power and to overcome the uncertainty by means of a smooth signal, the dynamic sliding mode controller (D-SMC) is implemented. In the D-SMC, an integrator is placed in the control scheme in order to suppress the chattering, because it acts like a low-pass filter. To estimate the state added by the integrator, a new observer-based neural network (ONN) is proposed. The proof of the stability of the D-SMC and ONN is based on Lyapunov theory. To prove the advantages of the D-SMC, a comparison was also carried out by traditional sliding mode control (T-SMC) with a similar ONN. From this comparison, we know that the advantages of the D-SMC are clear in terms of real implementation, concept, and chattering suppression.es_ES
dc.subjectwind turbinees_ES
dc.subjectpermanent magnet synchronous generatores_ES
dc.subjectobserver-based neural networkes_ES
dc.subjectsliding mode controles_ES
dc.titleOn Neural Observer in Dynamic Sliding Mode Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Wind Generatores_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( 4.0/).es_ES
dc.departamentoesIngeniería de sistemas y automática
dc.departamentoeuSistemen ingeniaritza eta automatika

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© 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( 4.0/).
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as © 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( 4.0/).