Castilian Trade in the Low Countries in the early 16th century. The activities of the merchant Pedro de Arnedo in the town of Middleburg
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Goicolea Julián, Francisco Javier
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Annales Mercaturae (3) : 51-83 (2017)
This article studies the commercial activity of the Castilian merchant Pedro de Arnedo, from the town of Middelburg. Pedro de Arnedo was, in the beginning of the XVI century, based in the Zeeland’s coastal town of Middelburg, as stated in several fragments of his accounting books, dated between 1509 and 1512. These documents that come from the English Abbey of Westminster, allowed to analyse his commercial businesses, as well as his trade management activities for other families of businessmen, and for commercial companies with relevant interests in the Low Countries. The strategic location of Middelburg in the island of Walcheren, promoted the management activities of Pedro de Arnedo, whose work became key for the success of numerous Castilian commercial companies.