Euskal fonetika akustikoaren 100 urte
Krajewska, Dorota
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Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 58(1) : 1-27 (2024)
Lan honetan euskal fonetika akustikoan (alderdi segmentalera mugatuta) orain arte egin diren lanen datu-base bat osatu da, ahalik eta lan gehien biltzeko helburuarekin. Azterketa zenbait aldagairen arabera egin da: argitalpen-urtea, gai orokorra (igurzkariak, herskariak, bokalak, etab.), aztertutako hizkera, hiztunen eta grabazioan erabilitako materialen ezaugarriak, hiztun- eta datu-kopurua, eta analisi-mota (analisi estatistikoa egin den). Guztira 97 lan bildu dira: zaharrenak 1923koak dira eta berrienak 2023koak. Lanak, beraz, azken 100 urteetan arloan egindakoari argazki orokorra ateratzen dio, orain arte egindakoak eta egiteke daudenak hobeto ikusteko.; This paper is based on a database of works published until the end of 2023 on Basque acoustic phonetics (limited to segmental phonetics). The objective was for the database to be as exhaustive as possible. Several variables were used in the analysis: year of publication, general topic (fricatives, stops, vowels, etc.), the variety analysed, the characteristics of speakers and recorded materials, the number of speakers and tokens, and type of analysis (whether statis-tical methods were employed). A total of 97 works were collected: the oldest were published in 1923 and the most recent in 2023. Thus, this paper presents a general picture of the field in or-der to better appreciate what has been achieved and what is still lacking.