Garaziko euskararen egitura geolinguistikoa
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Artzelus Muxika, Alexander
Arrazola, Varun
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Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 58(1) : 29-81 (2024)
The goal of this work is to measure the diatopic variation of the Basque spoken in the Garazi Valley. As such, we sought to analyse all the linguistic features that determine the geolinguistic position of this variety. As all the features do not have the same importance when it comes to classifying a variety into one dialect, we delimited the geographic span of each one, in order to see which area has the biggest influence on the Basque spoken in this valley. In ad-dition, we tried to establish whether the features are archaisms or innovations, and in the latter case, if they are positive and systematic.: For this purpose, we worked with the base dialect of this valley, grounding our research on the variety spoken by the elderly people. The main empirical basis is that of field recordings con-ducted by the first author during the period 2019-2020.: We concluded that the Basque variety of Garazi is quite general: most of the positive and sys-tematic innovations are also used in the Greater Eastern Basque Country, that is to say, in East-ern Upper Navarre and the Northern Basque Country. Many features are also used in the whole Northern Basque Country, sometimes with the exception of the South-West of Labourd and the Pyrenean valleys of Upper Navarre. Finally, there are some innovations that cover a narrower area. For example, some are only used in Garazi and a bordering valley; Lan honen helburua Garaziko euskararen bariazio diatopikoa aztertzea da. Ibar honetako euskararen kokapen geolinguistikoaren berri ematen duen ahalik eta ezaugarririk gehien zerrendatzen saiatu gara, beraz. Hizkera jakin baten izaeraren berri jakiteko edota hizkera hori dialekto jakin batean sailkatzeko ezaugarri guztiek pisu bera ez dutela jabeturik, bakoitzaren eremua zedarritu dugu, ibarreko mintzoan eraginik handiena zein eremuk duen jakin ahal izateko. Horrez gain, berrikuntzak edota arkaismoak diren zehazten saiatu gara, eta berrikuntzak izatekotan, positiboak eta sistematikoak diren.Zeregin horretarako, Garaziko oinarri dialektala lortu nahi izan dugu. Hortaz, adinekoen mintzoan oinarritu gara, batez ere. Hori lortzeko, duela hiruzpalau urte egindako grabaketak hartu ditugu aintzat, batez ere.Garaziko mintzoak aski izaera orokorra duela ondorioztatu ahal izan dugu: berrikuntza positibo eta sistematikorik gehienak Euskal Herriko ekialde zabalarekin partekatzen dituela ikusi dugu; hots, Nafarroa Garaiko ekialdearekin eta Iparraldearekin. Iparralde osoa -Lapurdiko hego-mendebaldea eta Pirinioetako ibar nafarrak gorabehera- hartzen dutenen kopurua ere hazia da. Azkenik, badira eremu murritzagoko beste berrikuntza batzuk, baita Garazi eta ondoko ibarren batera baino iristen ez direnak ere.