Louis-Lucien Bonaparte eta Clémence Richard, frai Jose Antonio Uriartek 1859an gipuzkeratutako Genesiaren zuzentzaileak
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Etxagibel, Javier
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Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 58(1) : 175-237 (2024)
1859. urtean Louis-Lucien Bonaparte printzeak Jose Antonio Uriartek gipuzkerara itzulitako Bibliaren lehen hiru liburuak argitaratu zituen. Uriartek berak hala adierazita ezagun da Bonaparte eta Jose Antonio Azpiazuz gain Clémence Richard Printzearen bikotekidea ere Uriarteren testuak orrazten aritu zela, nahiz haren lana aitortzarik gabe geratu zen. Uriarteren eskuizkribuetan aztertzaileek egindako hainbat eta hainbat zuzenketa dira eta ikerlan honetan haien nondik norakoak agerian jartzen saiatu gara. Horretarako, Genesiaren lehen hamar kapituluen itzulpena arakatu dugu. Zuzenketak bi taldetan banatzen dira: a) behin betikoak: kolore gorrikoak, salbuespenik gabe Printzearen edizioan euren hartan transkribatuak; gehienak Bonaparteri egotz dakizkioke; b) behin-behinekoak: kolore urdinekoak, Bonapartek ez beste esku batek idatziak, batzuk behin betiko bihurtuak, baina beste asko baztertuak. Ikerlan zabalago baten lehen atal honetan behin-behineko zuzenketak aztertu ditugu bi ondorio nagusi aterata: i) guztiak ia ziurtasun osoz Clémence Richardek idatziak dira; ii) behin betiko bihurtu zirenek Lardizabalen irizpide edota idazlanekin zerikusia dute; ostera, baztertuak geratu zirenen artean gehienak Beterriko eskualdeko hizkerari legozkiokeen arren, agian Bonaparterentzat dialektalegiak izateagatik geratu ziren ediziotik kanpo.; In 1859, Prince L.-L. Bonaparte published the first three books of the Bible that Jose Antonio Uriarte translated into Guipuzcoan. It is known that, in addition to Bonaparte and Azpiazu, Clémence Richard, the Prince’s partner, also examined Uriarte’s translations, al-though her work was unrecognized. This research has attempted to highlight the nature of the Prince and Clémence Richard’s corrections of Uriarte’s translation of the first ten chapters of Genesis. The corrections found are divided into two groups: a) those we have called definitive: written in red, transcribed without exception in the edition of the Prince. Most are attributable to Bonaparte himself; b) those we have called provisional: written in blue by a hand other than Bonaparte, some were definitely collected in the edition, but many others were rejected. In the first section of a larger study, we have analyzed the provisional corrections and have reached two main conclusions: (i) all of them are written almost certainly by Clémence Richard; (ii) those that became definitive can be linked to the criteria and/or writings of the writer Lardizabal, while the majority of the others, although they might correspond to the Basque of the Lowlands of Guipuzcoa, probably were discarded because they were local terms