Now showing items 695-714 of 805

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      Subtítulos o doblaje: ¿cuál cumple mejor el transvase cultural? 

      Hart, Margaret (Universidad del País Vasco, Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, 1994)
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      Sueño y humor en Aristófanes 

      Rodríguez Fernández, Guzmán (Adolph M. Hakkert, 2009)
      Greek comedy uses different comic resources, and dreams are a good way of provoking laughter, as they provide an ideal means of distorting reality and parodying tragic events of similar kind. In the oniric scenes, Aristophanes ...
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      Sustainable development goals in the English classroom: tell me a different story 

      Balza Tardaguila, Irene; Aguirregoitia Martínez, Amaia; Duhalde de Serra, Maitena; Kortazar Billelabeitia, Paulo ORCID; Milla Melero, Ruth ORCID (Octaedro, 2023)
      This study aims to present the results of the pilot project STOIRES+i3, an action research that infuses the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 into academics and the teacher training ...
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      Sustainable Marketing and Sales Management 

      Tamayo Orbegozo, Unai; Castillo Apraiz, Julen (Nomos, 2022)
      Today’s world is facing new challenges and approaching sustainability is cer-tainly one of them. Education is one of the pillars upon which the changeis built. In this regard, Education for Sustainable Development (EDS) ...
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      Synchronic ubiquity of the Basque article -a: A look from diachrony 

      Manterola Agirre, Julen (John Benjamins, 2012-06-20)
      The Basque definite article -a is used in more contexts than the articles in neighboring languages. This extensive use is problematic for synchronic analysis; this article will offer a diachronic perspective of the problem. ...
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      Syntactic change 

      Redondo Moyano, Elena ORCID (Koninklijke Brill NV, 2014)
      [ES] En este trabajo se define el cambio sintáctico, se analizan los factores que lo causan o facilitan y se estudian sus tipos principales en griego antiguo.
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      Tableaux for Realizability of Safety Specifications 

      Hermo Huguet, Montserrat; Lucio Carrasco, Francisca; Sánchez, César (Springer, 2023-03-03)
      We introduce a tableau decision method for deciding realizability of specifications expressed in a safety fragment of LTL that includes bounded future temporal operators. Tableau decision procedures for temporal and modal ...
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      Tackling Sexual Violence in Higher Education. reflections and Learnings from the Basque Country 

      Amurrio Vélez, Milagros ORCID; Luxán Serrano, Marta; Azpiazu Carballo, Jokin ORCID (Peter Lang, 2019)
      The persistence and reproduction of sexual violence in our societies is one of the great challenges that we must face in the search for social justice. On the basis of the experience backed by the Universities Supporting ...
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      Teaching EFL to young learners 

      Azcaray Garay, Agurtzane; Oliver, Rhonda (Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2018)
      Worldwide there are more and more people from non-English speaking background countries wishing to learn English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This chapter begins by exploring some of the differences between EFL settings ...
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      Telebista kontsumoaren profila eta nerabeen harrera tesuingura: kultura arteko eta sexuaren araberako aldeak 

      Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana ORCID; Martínez de Morentin de Goñi, Juan Ignacio; Medrano Samaniego, María Concepción (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2010)
      Kultura eta sexu ezberdinetako nerabeekin egindako ikerketa bat aurkezten da telebistako kontsumoa (telebistako lehentasunak, iraupena, jarduera alternatiboak) eta familia testuinguruaren (gurasoen bitartekaritza eta familia ...
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      Television viewing profile and reception context in adolescents: intercultural and gender differences 

      Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana ORCID; Martínez de Morentin de Goñi, Juan Ignacio; Medrano Samaniego, María Concepción (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2010)
      We present an investigation carried out with adolescents from different cultural contexts and sex in order to analyze the similarities and differences in the profile of television consumption (television preferences, ...
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      La teoría de la legitimidad en el area de la divulgación social 

      Aldaz Odriozola, Maider; Álvarez Echeverria, Igor (McGraw-Hill Education, 2014)
      La teoría de la legitimidad es una de las teorías sociales predominantes en la literatura sobre divulgación social. Mediante este trabajo analizamos de un lado, los diversos niveles de aplicación de la teoría, es decir ...
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      ‘Terentius Culleo’, entre Boccaccio y Petrarca 

      Ruiz Arzalluz, Iñigo (Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2014)
      [ES] Tanto en el De vita et moribus como en su ms. autógrafo de Terencio, Boccaccio se refiere al autor de las seis comedias como ‘Terentius Culleo’. En contra de lo que se ha pretendido hasta ahora, el error no puede ...
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      Territorios y fronteras : experiencias documentales contemporáneas 

      Fernández Guerra, Vanesa; Gabantxo Uriagereka, Miren ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2012)
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      The Basque articles -a and bat and recent contact theories 

      Manterola Agirre, Julen (Walter de Gruyter, 2012)
      The aim of this article is to criticize some claims that have been made forBasque definite and indefinite articles within certain theories of contact.It will become clear that contact played a crucial role in the evolutionof ...
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      The Constitutional Crossroads in Spain 

      Urrutia Libarona, Iñigo (Peter Lang Ltd, 2020-12-09)
      Since the Constitutional Court ruling (31/2010) – which included the declaration that interpretation of references to Catalonia in the 2006 Statute of Autonomy as ‘a nation’ and to its ‘national reality’ were devoid of ...
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      The Friulian language in education in Italy 

      Bier, Ada; Zanello, Gabriele; Ottogalli, Antonella (Mercator, 2024-03)
      The Italian State approved Law 482/1999 to protect the many historical linguistic minorities that are present in its territory, including Friulian. Despite emphasising Italian as the official language of the Italian Republic, ...
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      "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter": De lo literario a lo cinematográfico, de 1938 a 1968, del pesimismo de la Gran Depresión a la vanalización sentimentalista del movimiento hippy 

      Blanco Outón, Cristina (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2001)
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      The Heart is a Lonely Hunter: Un paradigma de transferencia cultural y literaria 

      Cobos Fernández, Inmaculada (Universidad del País Vasco, Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, 1997)
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      The Image of Phoenicians and Carthaginians in Modern Spanish History and Culture 

      Duplá Ansuátegui, Antonio ORCID (Bloomsbury Academic, 2018)
      El artículo analiza la imagen de fenicios y cartagineses en España de los siglos 18 a 21 a través de libros de historia, manuales escolares, pintura y novela histórica, revistas y comics. Estas imágenes derivan de las ...