Now showing items 236-255 of 260

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      Técnicas para incrementar la eficiencia de los inversores para vehículo eléctrico 

      Oñederra Leyaristi, Oier ORCID; Arandia Gainza, Nerea; Matallana Fernandez, Asier ORCID; Aranzabal Santamaria, Itxaso; Kortabarria Iparragirre, Iñigo ORCID (SAAEI, 2015-07-10)
      Obtener una mayor eficiencia en los convertidores de potencia, es uno de los principales objetivos de la disciplina de la electrónica de potencia. Y la propulsión del vehículo eléctrico no es una excepción. Para ello, ...
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      The Ceramic Murals of the AP-2 Motorway 

      Lozano Sancha, Amparo (2016-09-22)
      In the year 1976, the company "Patronato de Autopistas del Ebro", organized a competition to produce twelve large format ceramic murals which can be seen at the Service Stations of the AP-2 motorway. The axis of the theme ...
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      The Doctoral theses supported by the Sgiker plataforms of the University of the Basque Country are aligned with the Horizon 2020 Programme 

      Pastor Ruiz, Fátima; Rodríguez Tojo, María José (2018-05-12)
      The Platforms of the Advanced Research Facilities of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), SGIker, have been developing an essential support for research since 2004 in the areas of Advanced Manufacturing, Energy ...
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      The materials and making process of the relief painting technique of ‘applied-brocade’ in the Basque country. 

      Rodríguez López, Ainhoa ORCID; Bazeta Gobantes, Fernando; Escohotado Ibor, María Teresa; Khandekar, Narayan (ICOM-CC, 2017)
      The painted decoration of applied-brocade, more accurately described as applied tin-relief brocade, became a popular decorative technique in most of Europe, including Spain, from the middle of the fifteenth century to ...
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      The observation likelihood of silence: analysis and prospects for VAD applications 

      Odriozola Sustaeta, Igor; Hernáez Rioja, Inmaculada ORCID; Navas Cordón, Eva ORCID; Serrano García, Luis; Sánchez de la Fuente, Jon ORCID (International Speech Communication Association, 2018-11-23)
      This paper shows a research on the behaviour of the observa-tion likelihoods generated by the central state of asilenceHMM(Hidden Markov Model) trained for Automatic Speech Recog-nition (ASR) using cepstral mean and variance ...
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      The UNIVAC project: implementing the user journey approach in accessibility research at university 

      Arias Badia, Blanca; Hermosa Ramírez, Irene; Ogea, Mar; Oliver, Mireia; Segura, Daniel; Tamayo Masero, Ana ORCID; Torner, Sergi (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023)
      Work for inclusive, quality education and the reduction of inequalities is among the prioritised lines of action promoted by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (2015). In the context of higher ...
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      The Use of Digital Means in the Teaching and Learning of Multiplatform and Social Media News Reporting 

      Larrondo Ureta, Ainara; Peña Fernández, Simón ORCID (IAFOR, 2017)
      The debate promoted decades ago on the use of the ICT as a key factor for the learning processes in the university teaching, together with the advancements in the journalistic field support this paper approach (Scott, ...
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      Towards Certified Model Checking for PLTL Using One-Pass Tableaux 

      Abuin Yepes, Alex; Bolotov, Alexander; Díaz de Cerio, Unai; Hermo Huguet, Montserrat; Lucio Carrasco, Francisca (Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2019-10-19)
      The standard model checking setup analyses whether the given system specification satisfies a dedicated temporal property of the system, providing a positive answer here or a counter-example. At the same time, it is often ...
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      Tracing the Basque presence in eastern Canada during the 16th and 17th centuries, through ceramic remains: the example of the glazed pottery produced in Bilbao 

      Escribano Ruiz, Sergio ORCID; Buxeda i Garrigós, Jaume; Madrid Fernández, Marisol; Núñez Marcén, Julio; Azkarate Garai-Olaun, Agustín ORCID (Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology, Memorial University & Bournemouth University (Canadá), 2010)
      [EN] Recent studies on pottery production at the Basque Country have enabled us to identify ceramic wares from Bilbao that exhibit characteristic uniform morphological features, as well as particular compositional ...
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      Transfer learning in hierarchical dialogue topic classification with neural networks 

      Montenegro Portillo, César; Santana Hermida, Roberto ORCID; Lozano Alonso, José Antonio (IEEE, 2020-09-28)
      Knowledge transfer between tasks can significantly improve the efficiency of machine learning algorithms. In supervised natural language understanding problems, this sort of improvement is critical since the availability ...
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      Transformada wavelet estacionaria y redes neuronales para la detección de pulso en episodios de parada cardiorrespiratoria 

      Alonso González, Erik; Irusta Zarandona, Unai; Aramendi Ecenarro, Elisabete; Daya, Mohamed R. (2020-11)
      La disponibilidad de un detector automático de pulso durante un episodio de parada cardiorrespiratoria extrahospitalaria (PCREH) permitiría una rápida identificación de la parada cardiaca y una temprana detección del retorno ...
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      Tratamiento de aguas residuales mediante fangos activados: importancia de los mecanismos de reducción de enterobacterias 

      Garaizabal Ruiz, Idoia; Oruño Beltrán, Maite; Bravo, Zaloa; Parada Morais, Claudia Bruna; Arana Basabe, María Inés ORCID; Barcina López, María Isabel (2012-09)
      El tratamiento de las aguas residuales mediante fangos activados está orientado a reducir la fracción orgánica asimilable y el número de microorganismos en los efluentes. La reducción de la fracción microbiana se atribuye ...
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      Treinta años de Arqueología Medieval en España 

      Quirós Castillo, Juan Antonio (Archaopress, 2018-08)
      This book presents, in sixteen papers, recent developments and some of the main topics seen in academic Medieval Archaeology studies in Spain. The papers explore some of the emergent and consolidated topics of the discipline, ...
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      Type Testing of a Highly Accurate Illuminance Flickermeter 

      Azcarate Blanco, Izaskun; Gutiérrez Ruiz, José Julio ORCID; Lazkano Bilbao, Andoni; Leturiondo Arana, Luis Alberto; Saiz Agustín, Purificación ORCID; Redondo Serrano, Koldo; Barros, Julio (IEEE, 2012)
      The standard IEC 61000-4-15 establishes the design specifications to measure the annoyance produced by flicker. This instrument is based on the working principles and the response to input voltage variations of an incandescent ...
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      (Un)Plugging smart cities with urban transformations: Towards multistakeholder city-regional complex urbanity? 

      Calzada Mugica, Igor ORCID (Universidad de Almería, 2016)
      The author argues that the development of the so-called buzzword smart city and its use in planning inner cities are intimately bound up with required current urban transformations. In this attempt to deconstruct or unplug ...
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      Use of semantic technology to describe and reason about communication protocols 

      Bagüés, Miren Itziar; Berges González, Idoia; Goñi Sarriguren, Alfredo; llarramendi Echave, María Aránzazu; Bermúdez de Andrés, Jesús ORCID (SciTePress, 2008)
      Nowadays there is a tendency to enhance the functionality of Information Systems by appropriate information agents. Those information agents communicate through communication acts expressed in an Agent Communication Language. ...
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      Use of the harmonic phase in synthetic speech detection 

      Sánchez de la Fuente, Jon ORCID (INESC-ID, 2016-11-23)
      This PhD dissertation was written by Jon Sanchez and supervised by Inma Hernáez and Ibon Saratxaga. It was defended at the University of the Basque Country the 5th of February 2016. The committee members were Dr. Alfonso ...
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      Utilización de microhilos magnéticos para promover la muerte de células de osteosarcoma mediante hipertermia magnética in vitro 

      Arranz-Bárcena, I.; Campisi, J.; Martínez de Apellániz, I.; Lizarbe-Sancha, S.; Mitxelena- Iribarren, O.; Arana, S.; Zhukova Zhukova, Valentina ORCID; Mujika, M.; Zhukov Egorova, Arkady Pavlovich ORCID (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)
      Los tratamientos para el cáncer que se llevan a cabo actualmente tienen una serie de limitaciones que, unido a que se trata de técnicas invasivas, hace que se tienda a buscar nuevas alternativas. Una de ellas es la hipertermia ...
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      Valores y contravalores en dibujos animados 

      Oregui González, Eider ORCID (AIDIPE2017, XVIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa y AIDIPE Asociación Interuniversitaria de Investigación Pedagógica, 2017-06)
      [ES] En el marco de una investigación relativa al “consumo mediático infantil, nivel atencional y valores percibidos en personajes de ficción”, se presentan los resultados obtenidos al analizar el contenido en valores y ...
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      Vehículos eléctricos e híbridos: estado de la tecnología 

      Alcibar, Jokin; Ibarra Basabe, Edorta ORCID; Andreu Larrañaga, Jon ORCID; Matallana Fernandez, Asier ORCID; Kortabarria Iparragirre, Iñigo ORCID (SAAEI, 2014-06-27)
      En la actualidad, la popularidad de los vehículos eléctricos e híbridos ha aumentado considerablemente, principalmente debido a razones medioambientales y de ahorro energético. En este artículo se presenta el estado de la ...